
Monday, February 18, 2008

At least you may know, stranger.

Picture (taken with my phone, sorry about the poor quality) of the Duke of Schomberg's memorial, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.
Large image, click to enlarge.

I belted it into work this morning as my pal's train was late and I had to come in early to open up the ranch. As I was bumbling around in the dark, turning on lights and the like, I came across this. I had seen it before, but I'd never really paid attention to it. Also I'd forgotten that the Duke was actually buried behind it.

But I thought I thought there might be some who read this to whom it would be of interest.

But for those gamers that build victory monuments for their armies, I would suggest that for every Blenheim memorial, there are probably rather more Schomberg's then you'd like to think.

Translated from the Latin.

"Beneath this stone lies the body of Frederick, Duke of Schomberg, who
was killed at the Boyne AD 1690. The Dean and Chapter earnestly and
repeatedly requested the Duke's heairs to undertake the erection of a
monument in memory of their father. Long and often they pressed the
request by letter and through friends. It was of no avail. At long
last they set up this stone that at least you may know, stranger,
where the ashes of Schomberg lie buried.

The renown of his valour had greater power among strangers than had
the ties of blood among his kith and kin. AD 1731."

The Latin inscription was written by Dean Swift.

Friedrich Herman von Schonberg, or Frederick Armand de Schomberg, was
born in Heidelberg in 1615 and at the age of 18 he joined the Swedish
army and fought in the Thirty Years War. He then joined the Dutch
army and subsequently served France with distinction in the 1650s.
Following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, he was driven
from France and the Elector of Brandenberg invited him to
Generalissimo of the Prussian army. In 1686, Schomberg was present at
a meeting between the Elextor and the Prince of Orange and advised
William to go to Ireland, promising his support. Apart from the
dukedom received a remarkable number of honours from the countries
which he had served which testified to the outstanding servces he

Excerpt from "The Monuments in St Patrick's Cathedral Dublin" by
Victor Jackson (Dublin, 1987)

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