
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Human nature.

The new Memoir '44 Mediterranean expansion and sixteen Memoir '44 dice.

I am a man of many prejudices. I have rather set ideas of what is done and what is not done.

I've always found that accepting those prejudices and being aware of them is a better way of getting through life then trying to deny that you've any prejudices at all. Some of these are small prejudices, a desire not to play "the bad guys" in war games, an unreasoning hatred for the music of Chris DeBurgh and the sudden wave of nausea that hits me every time I see "Neighbours".

One of those prejudices is that there is a fraternity of wargamers and that one gamer does not steal from another, regardless of temptation or provocation. The theft of my Memoir '44 dice struck at that fondly held prejudice and coincidently made it impossible to play the game. I play agreat deal of Memoir '44 and the lack of it rankled, though Donogh very kindly got me some blank dice so that I could make replacements.

Imagine my surprise when I received a package in work on Thursday morning containing sixteen Memoir '44 dice, the equivelant of two sets worth. I'd just bought a copy of the Mediterranean expansion from my local dealer and was reconciling myself to finally making up those replacement dice when the package arrived.

I originally thought that the dice might have been returned by the thief in a fit of conscience, but on closer examination the return of sixteen dice (I'd lost one already so only fifteen were stolen) and the London post mark made it seem unlikely.

There was no note or explanation, though certain characteristics of the way the address was written would lead me to believe that the sender was a reader of this blog.

I did consider trying to trace the packet, but that would be a shabby way to repay a thoroughly admirable and unselfish gesture. All I can say is thank you.

Thank you very much.


  1. Since I am eight time zones west of London, it was not I . . . but I also salute whoever did send them to you. It was a very kind act and the sender deserves some good karma headed their way.

    I also agree that it would be improper to try to search out the sender. Whoever it was prefers to remain anonymous. My advice would be to extend the good will you feel toward this unknown person to everyone.

    That would also certainly be in the spirit of this season.

    -- Jeff

  2. I concur with Jeff. A wonderful act of generosity, to be repayed by being generous to other gamers when you have the chance.
    What a nice Yuletide surprise! :-)

  3. Dear Joy ,
    What methods did you employ to determine who sent the parcel ? Did you examine the wrappings, was the address written on a machine or by hand ? Employ the methods of Holmes ! It may be a two pipe question but that is only to your advantage.
    David Corbett

  4. Jubilo, old chap, I bent to the problem with a will, but on mature reflection came to the conclusion that it would be ungentlemanly to attempt to track down someone who had done me such a favour.

    All I can do is thank him and respect his desire to remain anonymous.

  5. A most noble position to take Conrad and one I would concur with most heartily. Always take the high road....

    and BTW I just got a copy of the M44 Western Desert exp as secret board game interest coming out...
