
Monday, March 1, 2010

Back to hearth & home.

Back to hearth & home.

It's been a long road, but I've finally got my posting and while I can't discuss specifics here I am very happy. I am going back to Dublin.

Mrs. Kinch had a house viewing organised within six hours of my getting a station, though I really can't begrudge her; she's had the patience of the better class of Saint over the last year.

As for gaming, I haven't done a tap.

Edit: I really wish they'd turn on the heating here...


  1. Congratulations! And I'm sure that you and your lady wife are both very happy!

    -- Jeff

  2. Top dog! My congratulations on your passign out (is that what they'd call it in the garda?)

    Pls ensure that Mrs. Kinch has clear instruction on the size of the spare room.... 10' x 8' minimum (8' x 6' table with a couple of feet round the edge for moving about)..... preferably double that... :o))

  3. Best wishes to you both in your new home!

  4. Mrs. Kinch is well briefed and has come to the conclusion that I'll need a decent room to myself - otherwise my gear will end up taking up the whole house.

    My passing out isn't for a year yet, I will be on probation, but will be operational.

  5. Hi Conrad, duly linked & followed, nice Blog, and a good read. Just realised from comment on here that we have work in common too, good luck with it, hope it goes well for you.

  6. Somewhat belated, but congratulations to you Eamon! You've worked really hard and deserve this.

    Best Regards,

