
Friday, May 28, 2010

A touch of India before bed.

Skinners Horse at exercise.
Joshua Reynolds Gwatkin. c1840

Sadly, I have not had much time to devote to my Indian project in the last few weeks. I've assembled three boxes of Zvesda's beautiful Turkish cavalry, that will with a little paint conversion make excellent Indian cavalry. Once I have them based and undercoated, I shall send them off to Mark to work his magic.

That should give me 54 Indian heavy cavalry, which should be plenty for starters.

I have a compoo of European trained infantry with European officers to dolly up with turbans made of greenstuff. Hopefully this should make my Sudanese riflemen take on a more Rajput appearance.

While casting about for suitable pictures to illustrate this blog post, I realised something, there is a great deal of Orientalist art and a great deal of it is very good. However, the vast majority depicts African or Middle Eastern scenes, India is rarely portrayed. I can only suppose this is because the best of the Orientalists were French.

I also managed to cast my eye over the latest issue of Battlegames over a coffee at work today. I haven't yet read the Tabletop Teaser (usually the highlight of any issue for me), but thus far it's looking pretty good - a nice article on complexity in rules design and Siggins gives his own deeply personal take on the popular Black Powder ruleset. Mr Siggins is not won over, but I think gives the rules a very fair hearing without the frothing buffoonery that usually passes for criticism in the hobby.

In other news, to Mrs. Kinch's great joy Ireland have qualified for Gay Christmas. Thank the Lord I do not have an early start on Sunday.

Also, I received two Perry's Dismounted French Dragoons with my copy of Battlegames. They are free to the first chap who posts a quote from my favourite Kipling work in the comments section.

Anyway, to bed.


  1. ...and that's how the elephant got his trunk!

  2. I don't want the figures (and I don't know what your favorite Kipling work is); but here is one of my favorite bits from the poem "Puck's Song" from "Puck of Pook's Hill":

    See you that little mill that clacks so busy by the brook?

    She has ground her corn and paid her tax ever since Domesday Book.

    For me it evokes such a wonderful image of life as normal for many centuries.

    -- Jeff
