
Friday, October 8, 2010


Strelets Chasseurs of the Guard in Winter Dress.
Also pictured a Grenadier Officer and NCO from
Strelets French General Staff box, who will be shortly transfering
to the Chasseurs.

What fine fellows they are!

The Dissertation beast is slain, it's biting jaws and clutching claws are still. I handed it in on Tuesday and await my mark.

In other news, I am now working my way through the paper work that I have assiduously ignoring for the last few weeks. Of course, all work and no play makes Kinch a dull boy, so we took the evening off last night and watched a few episodes of House M.D. Mrs. Kinch attended to her needlework while I went through my list of figures for Command & Colour: Napoleonics.

Going through my box of figures I've managed to scrape together 48 other ranks from the Strelets Guard Chasseurs box, a chef de battalion, one officer and a mounted colonel. A quick study of SHQs website revealed a Guard Chasseurs Command pack that should fill those few gaps that remain. A email was sent and I hope to hear from them shortly.

Once I have that battalion despatched, I shall move onto the next project; the British heavies.

My British heavies arrived on Tuesday from Newline, which cheered me greatly. They are very handsome fellows and will do well. All that remains is to decide which regiment they should join.

I hope to knock off one item of each list, French, British and Portuguese, in turn until I've filled my roster for Command & Colours Ancients.

No news on the house at present, but we shall hopefully have word this week.

In the mean time I have been reading Bernard Cornwells latest, The Fort. This is about an incident during the American War about which I know nothing. A young John Moore makes an appearance. It's not bad stuff in a blood and thunder sort of way and for those of us that like that sort if thing, this is exactly the sort of thing we like.

I'm also taking a certain glee in my near complete ignorance of the period. I know nothing of the incident the story is based on, which is a new experience for me in historical fiction. I rarely stray from familiar ground. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.


  1. Continued good wishes ala the house . . . and congratulations on turning in the dissertation . . . hopefully it will be very well received.

    -- Jeff

  2. "I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all turns out."

    A new project will be how it turns out... with perhaps some of those scrumptious new 15mm Peter Pig AWI figures... :o))

  3. Thanks Jeff!

    Fingers crossed, may hear tomorrow.

    I hope not Steve, if I do refight the engagement it will probably be with my War of 1812 forces. I'm a dyed in the wool 1/72 man.

    Also, I'm not hugely interested in the American War as can't help rooting for the losing side. It puts a fellow off...

  4. You're a man of inherent contradictions.. if you feel that way about the underdog how do you explain your antipathy to the French?! Yours (deeply) in jest... :o))

  5. Hating the French is less a feeling than a hobby - also it's damn good fun. And yet it does not diminish my enjoyment of Dumas, De Rostand or Camus. I'm a complicated man Steve and no-one understands me but my woman.

    And that old chap is the first and last time Conrad Kinch, a man so square he thought the Ramones were related, will be compared to John Shaft.
