
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shock & Beggorah - Painted 1798 Rebels

Not the best picture in the world,
but I was in a hurry to get them photographed and off to the postman.

Finally finished up my Criskindl painting, which was interesting. On giving the figures a once over I came to the conclusion that there was rather more of Gilray about them than anything else. I added pikes, but didn't add pike heads as I wasn't sure if my pal wants to add pike heads or hammer the end of the wire flat and snip it accordingly.

In other news, I had my last assessment on Friday and passed with flying colours scoring maximum possible marks. I also received the results of my dissertation, which were 84%. This means I'll be returning to the Puzzle Palace in January to pass out with the rest of my class, at least once the other boys have stopped calling me "Specky" and hanging me by my underpants from lamp posts.

There is no news on the house front unfortunately, we're still jumping through hoops for the lender. Mrs. Kinch has finally become sick of that particular emotional roller coaster and has left the matter entirely in my hands. We shall see what comes of this.


  1. Congratulations on the assessments. Pity mortgage lenders pay no heed to such things. Cheerful looking rebels, I like them


  2. Congratulations on the assessments. Pity mortgage lenders pay no heed to such things. Cheerful looking rebels, I like them

