
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Toy Soldiers

Christmas Decorations from Hanover,
which manage to be both martial and festive.

Despite the snow outside, it's all rather jolly here at Chez Kinch. I'm heading out to brave the snows in order to do a few mortgage related errands while Mrs. Kinch and her parents busy themselves around the house putting up decorations, like those above and wrestling with Mrs. Kinch pere's enormous Christmas tree, known by familial tradition as Birnam Wood.

Apparently there will be cocoa upon my return...


  1. Congratulations on the news about the mortage. And a Merry Christmas to the Kinch clan.

  2. We have a number of small martial nutcrackers hanging on our tree . . . not as nice as your tricorned men, but in the same mould.

    -- Jeff
