
Saturday, January 15, 2011

American Militia

SHQ American Militia of the War of 1812
(Left to right - Militia man loading, Militia Bugler, Militia advancing, Ensign, Officer)

After some messing about, I took delivery yesterday of an order from SHQ. It contained an interesting assortment of chaps, but today I'm turning my attention to the American Militia.
I had sworn off the War of 1812 as a dangerous diversion that dangled the superficially attractive proposition of burning the White House while drawing resources away from the main effort, the ever important Operation Kicking the French in the pants. Despite appearances I've managed to keep to my promise, for the above Militia will be mustering with my Portuguese troops.

I'm using the round hatted figures from HAT Spanish Guerrillas set as Portuguese infantry and I've painted most of a battalion. These figures will allow me to finish the battalion and field the valiant Pork and Beans on the field of honour in the very near future.


  1. At risk of appearing a bit unimaginative, I thought I'd point out that SHQ (Kennington) also do perfectly serviceable Portuguese line troops - they're not on the web page, but they are listed in the pdf catalogue. No cacadores, but a good range of line infantry, mounted colonels, and artillery crew.

    I like the militiamen - thanks for showing these - I haven't seen them, and I am interested.


  2. Looks like they could be used for a variety of militia/volunteer types. If one was to do Bonaparte's invasion for example?

    The book looks interesting too.

  3. Tony,

    The point is well made. I do intend to use some of my HAT British infantry as Portuguese. My reasons for using the chaps in the round hats was that I had a number of them from the HAT Spanish Geurillas box, which I had bought for the kerchief wearing Byronic types. That and I would find mustering a 48 strong battalion of SHQ figures a touch pricey.

  4. Ross,

    They're a motley, but a useful crew. The book was a gift from a friend who spent some time in South Africa and I must confess I have not read it yet. It was chosen mainly because the colour of the cover matched the tiles.
