
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Danger to Quatre Bras!

The Black Watch at Quatre Bras by Woolen

Disquieting news has just reached me that a request has been presented to the authorities in Genappe to have the historic farmhouse at Quatre Bras demolished to make way for a development.

Domminique Timmermans is rallying the troops to save this historic site. More information and advice on how you can help (all that is required of you is an email gentlemen) can be found here.

I will be writing to express my objection to any such move and I would encourage all others to do the same.


  1. Dear Joy,
    What the deuce, eh ? Damned EU,no doubt. One would like to say it wouldn't happen here (wherever other than Belgium here might be), but nowadays one never knows.At least we Yankees kept Mickey Mouse from Manassas.

  2. What the duece indeed Jubilo...a rum do and no mistake.

  3. Conrad Kinch,

    I was so annoyed by what I read in your blog entry that I both contacted the two municipalities involved as requested and wrote a blog entry supporting the campaign.

    Let's hope we can stop the demolition frm happening.

    All the best,

