
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HAT Waterloo Dutch Infantry

HAT Waterloo Dutch Infantry
Warriors for the working day

Now as regular readers of this blog will know, there are only two things I hate in this world; people who are intolerant of other cultures and the Dutch.

I have had to overcome this particular foible in order to field appropriate troops for the Quatre Bras scenario in the Command & Colours rule book as not even the most crazed of chauvinists can say that Wellingtons army was an entirely British one*. Who says that wargaming doesn't broaden your horizons?
Happily, one box gives sixteen compatible poses,
a sergeant, an officer and a passable drummer

I had originally decided to leave the two Hundred Days scenarios to one side for a while, but I was returning from court recently to discover that my local model shop had a box of HAT Waterloo Dutch Infantry. I quick calculation convinced me that if I was willing to forgo my usual habit of assembling troops in Charge! style regiments, I could assemble two infantry units from one box. I paused for careful reflection for two, possibly three seconds and then bought them. It appears that I'll have to muster some Brunswickers, Belgians, Nassauers and Hanoverians before I can actually play the scenario, but it is no great sacrifice.

A box of Hats Dutch Belgians and Nassau troops should plug the gaps with very little difficulty. The Nassauers in particular are cracking figures. I shall have to get my copy of Mark Adkins "The Waterloo Companion" over from the old house before paint encounters plastic as beyond knowing that they were there and that Crown Prince William of Orange was an ADC in the Peninsula (thank you Georgette Heyer), I know scandalously little about their involvement in the battle.

So, anyone for a schmoke and a pancake?

*Down at the back, Hofschroer. See me after class.


  1. I've always thought HaT's Netherlands Militia were one of their most useful sets. They stood in very well for British infantry in stovepipe before the Peninsular British came along, and they are very handy for Portuguese infantry too.

  2. They are a nice set and to be honest, rather more handsome than their Dutch brethern. I hadn't looked at their Nassauers before though and they really are nice. A contingent that I think will be heavily over represented in my Waterloo army!

  3. Oh, BeHAAve!

    I'm surprised you've had time to buy toys what with Our Lizzie gracing your shores. Haven't all the Garda been keeping all her well-wishers at bay?

  4. Blog entries are written for entertainment* only and may be written in advance of publication.

    *Actual entertainment value may go down as well as up. Reading is a risk.

  5. Interesting article. Can I aks you your basing size please as I am also starting a waterloo army. Thanks.

    1. 5/8 inch squares - though I've shifted to Mdf from plasticard.

  6. Thanks for that. How about cavalry and artillery?

    1. Getting there old chap! I actually have them - I just haven't posted about them yet.
