
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Yet another new project

Captain "Rupert" John Anthony Cunningham-Howard, late of the Royal Loamshires, now of the Irish Guards

It's official I have too many projects, far too many projects. I've taken to hoarding figures in a manner that knows neither sense nor reason. At present, I have in train.

Mostly finished.
- A British Napoleonic army, which will also be subbing for a British army in India 1800-1840.
- A French Napoleonic army.
- A German Second World War army.

Works in progress.
- An Austrian Napoleonic army. (many units based and undercoated)
- A Spanish Napoleonic army. (some painted units)
- Dutch-Belgian allies for the above.

In boxes, may never see the light of day.
- Some Very British Civil War scraps.
- A Crimean Russian army.
- A Crimean French army.
- An 1840 era Sardinian army made up entirely of Bersaglieri.
- An 1840s Sikh army.
- A collection of English Civil War stuff.
- A British Second World War Army.
- An American Second World War Army.

And this just the stuff in 20mm! Not counting 1/32 scale Little Wars figures or the 6mm collection.

I have of course decided that the only thing to do in this situation is start a new period

. Note scarf and bear

This is unusual for me because I'm working in tandem with some other chaps. Force on Force from Ambush Alley Games has become rather popular in my social circle and the forces required are reassuringly small. I have mustered a single platoon of British infantry so that I might shoot Gorman's East Germans in comfort. I tell myself that the collection will stop there and who knows, it very well might. I have decided that as there are only thirty or so figures involved it would be silly not to paint them myself.

I'm rather fond of them as they tote SLRs and Brens, which reminds me forcibly of my teens and early twenties when for several weeks a year I would slog up hill and down dale at the behest of the Irish Defence Forces. One disadvantage though was that the figures were a bit too uniform for my taste and there was no way to distinguish the platoon commander.

Enter Captain "Rupert" John Anthony Cunningham-Howard, late of the Royal Loamshires and now of the Irish Guards. I wanted a way to quickly distinguish him from the rest of the SLR toting hoi-polloi. I haven't done much work with green stuff, but this seemed well within even my meagre talents. The youngest son of a distinguished Roman Catholic barrister and confectionery heiress, he enjoys long walks, water colours and the poetry of John Donne. An enthusiastic rather than a gifted boxer, he took a first in Classics at Hertford College Oxford and speaks German, French and Greek. In his spare time he is working on a biography of Dante Gabriel Rosetti and never goes into action without a scarf and a bear.

For obviously reasons, he is considered something of an odd fish.


  1. It's cousin Rupy! And he's got my bear...

  2. Thanks. Considering some of the characters I have met in uniform and out, it seemed churlish not to try and dolly them up a little.

  3. It's rather more Koala like than I would like, yours was obviously a well loved bear.

  4. It's this sort of behaviour that leads the British Army into situations where it has to deny releasing killer badgers into the area, you realise.

  5. So many armies and not a single tricorne! Not even a Ruritanian one!

  6. I think a lovely shade of pink would suit the ear perfectly ;-)

    And I thought I had too many projects!

  7. Based on anyone we know?

    I think a stuffed Panda would be a nice touch. No ordinary Teddy you know.

  8. That really does not sound like too many projects, so much as a foundation for expansion. It's probably good for the brains to switch topics to freshen up from time to time, and acts to retard the onset of Alzheimer's.
