
Thursday, October 20, 2011

20mm Nostalgic Revival

Johnny & General Du Gourmand during his last visit

Work has been demanding of late, long hours have meant that I have seen little of Mrs Kinch of late. This is always trying - but there has also been some very good news.

John Cunningham has started his own blog - 20mm Nostalgic Revival.

I met John through the Plastic Pelisse Blog in 2009. I saw his sepoy figures listed on the blog and got in touch. Too much Sharpe in my youth perhaps. There followed a correspondence which led to a very rewarding friendship, the purchase of more figures and a visit earlier this year.

I would recommend having a look at John's blog - particularly as he's started putting up photos of his extensive collection of 20mm figures.

1 comment:

  1. Conrad Kinch,

    It is a great blog and I have already signed up as a follower.

    All the best,

