
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Zvezda European Thatched Country House 1/72

A view of the house, please forgive the rather poor light.
It's been pouring down here of late, much more of this and
it'll be collect two of every animal and build a big boat time.
(as always click to embiggen)

Another sample of Boomers good work. This is the Zvesda 1/72 scale cottage or as they call it European Thatched Country house. This seems fair as I can't imagine this particular structure in the British isles or even France, there's definitely something of Mitteleurope about it.

A side view, I think Boomer did a rather good job on the paintwork

(as always click to embiggen)

I picked the kit up from a local model shop. I think I paid somewhere in the region of €12 for it, but it retrospect it was a poor choice. That's quite a bit for a plastic kit and while it is nice, I know Boomer almost had a nervous breakdown putting it together. Each wall is made up of smaller sections which need to be glued together and then assembled. I can see no sensible reason this should be so, particularly when Italeri and Pegasus have produced such excellent plastic buildings without this particular feature. While the model maker does not actually have to build the place brick by brick, it's not far off it.

A view of the interior. Not the subsections.
(as always click to embiggen)

Unfortunately the building is just a little bit too small to fit an infantry unit inside, but it does fit in a hex relatively well. I've used it in Spain, mainly because I'm a hack who has little regard for verisimilitude - but I shall attempt to rectify this grievous error and use the more Iberian looking Italeri buildings in future.

Appealing to the floor - where do you expect to find this building?

In short, a nice building and Boomer did a very good job on it, but not to be recommended.

1 comment:

  1. With that hipped-roof style, I think it might be intended to be a North German farmhouse; somewhere on or near the Baltic coast perhaps, quite northerly anyway? Caution - this suggestion comes with a doesn't-really-know-what-he's-talking-about warning :-)

    I'd suspected the kit was tricky to assemble, so thanks for the very useful review.
