
Friday, December 2, 2011

Drummer update

Drummer on the right

(click to embiggen)

Progress on my drummer continues slowly, but steadily. Mainly slowly. The effects of multiple washes of white are slow to materialise, but I think I'm beginning to see some improvement. I'm doing the red, and there is a lot of red, with thinned down Scab Red from the GW stable. Thanks due to Mr E on that one.

My other two short term projects arrived from Wargames Illustrated today. They're both kits from their Moments in History series for Mrs Kinch's great uncle and grandfather.


  1. He is coming along very nicely! And what a face. Full of character. I'm assuming your feline friend approves of your painting progress?

    Best Regards,


  2. Thank you very much. It's a good face. I'm going to have to learn how to paint five o'clock shadow over that base coat. The white uniform is coming along very slowly, but it's not too bad.

    Harry Flashman is a good sort. He likes playing with paint, but has never laid a paw on a figure, painted or unpainted.

  3. The animation in that face is superb - the model soldier looks good too!


  4. Very nice, Conrad, though I fear you have the facings of the Gato Negro et Blanco Regiment reversed. :)
    Much patience with the white coat of the drummer in evidence. It will look stunning when you're done.

  5. Thank you gentlemen, it's a damned slow process...
