
Monday, March 19, 2012

There's something about Michael

St. Michael Archangel by August Vogel

Though I haven't played Dungeons & Dragons in years, there are some very smart fellows out there writing about the game. One of these is Father Dave, who writes "The Blood of Prokopius" blog. I have struggled to find appropriate words to sum this blog up, but I think his own description "Musings on Religion & RPGs" is the sufficient. In it you'll find thoughts on Orthodox doctrine mixed with Wandering Monster tables, Lovecraft, reports about his long running D&D game and how a clever DM can use the history of the writing of the early Gospels in his own campaign. And gentlemen, I challenge you to find that particular mix anywhere else.

A recurring feature and my favourite by a country mile is "Saintly Saturday"*, a short feature written about a particular saint followed by thoughts on the nature of his sainthood and how it might be referenced in Dungeons & Dragons. As a policeman, I've something of a fondness for the Archangel Michael and Father Dave very kindly broke a rule to write a piece on him.

You can find it here.

On an unrelated note, the image above was taken from wikipedia and is a statue of the Archangel in a church in Hamburg. It's one of the few I've seen that I've liked, mainly because this chap looks like he's been on the beat for Eternity. The typical representation always make him seem too young to me, though I suppose there is a joke in there somewhere about knowing you're old when policemen start to look young.

*It's something of a hazard of being unrepentantly High Church.


  1. Thanks for highlighting another splendid blog...
    BTW how does one follow it- there seems to be no way of doing so?

    1. I followed it through blogger. There should be an option on blogger dashboard.

  2. I am glad I was inspired to respond so quickly to your request. Here's a tad bit extra for both your enjoyment and use:

    O Michael, Supreme Commander of the Hosts of Heavens, we, the unworthy, importune and beseech thee that by thy supplications thou encircle us in the shelter of the wings of thine immaterial glory, guarding us who now fall down and cry to thee with fervour: Deliver us from dangers of all kinds, as the great marshal of the heavenly hosts on high.

    BTW, it is at this point that folks in many Orthodox countries would start spitting...too much praise might bring the attention of the devil...

  3. I am glad I was inspired to respond so quickly to your request. Here's a tad bit extra for both your enjoyment and use:

    O Michael, Supreme Commander of the Hosts of Heavens, we, the unworthy, importune and beseech thee that by thy supplications thou encircle us in the shelter of the wings of thine immaterial glory, guarding us who now fall down and cry to thee with fervour: Deliver us from dangers of all kinds, as the great marshal of the heavenly hosts on high.

    BTW, it is at this point that folks in many Orthodox countries would start spitting...too much praise might bring the attention of the devil...

  4. My Dear Kinch:

    Many thanks for this post, I had no idea that Fr. Dave's blog existed, and I look forward to following it closely. It enters a rare and select company of sites, like your own, that please and educate me regularly.

    Oddly, I was thinking of St. Cuthbert after my devotions this morning and thinking he would make an appropriate saint for all the folks flocking to SAGA and Dark Ages wargaming. I am sure he could see off a pack of wandering Norsemen.

    That's a great picture of St. Michael, BTW. Chaps named Michael are generally pretty top drawer and pukka fellows.
