
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hungarian Interlude

Some of Kristians Hungarian cavalry
(picture stolen from History in 1/72)

I've been in a bit of a funk of late, a combination of a couple of things, a work schedule that means that Mrs Kinch and I have seen very little of each other, a nagging injury that will not seem to heal and a number of personal and political disappointments. It's left precious little time for wargaming or anything else for that matter.

On the upside, I made the acquaintance of Kristian, a Hungarian modeller, who will be staying in Ireland for a while. We had a good old chinwag covering the current economic crisis, uniforms of the 1809 campaign, the relationship between Hungary and Poland, Arthur Griffiths "Resurrection of Hungary" and Uwe's Indian adventures.

Kristian is actively looking for painting commissions. You can see some examples of his work here.

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