
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Muster British: Part Five

"Who could foresee thee, in a space so brief,
 A scene where mingling foes should boast and bleed."

There's precious little of the Byronic hero about this scene. A Strelets French surgeon (who having attended Trinity College is now in British service) and orderly, painted by the redoutable Mr E. I think the original figure was meant to be Baron Larrey, but in our Napoleonic roleplaying game he was Ensign Thomas Hanson, physician, soldier and reprobate. His assistant Toby was well known for his persistent lollygaggery and drunkeness.

The wounded men are a mixture of converted Strelets, Newline and Irregular miniatures.

The good friars are from a set by Imex, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was called. They are very nice figures through.

The wagon train. I've made use of these, mainly in games of En Avant! by Jim Wallman, but no doubt I will find further uses for them.

An overview, mule train to the left, light wagons to the right. Heavy wagons to the left rear and food on the hoof to the right rear.

Italeri 60th Rifles (I think they were originally 95th) doing duty protecting some wagons, converted from excess French ambulances. I really like these figures and painted them myself. They were in fact the only 1/72 figures that I managed to paint while I was in college. I love the pose, it reminds me of my time in the reserve defending our great nation from the paramilitary wing of the Wicklow Ramblers Association. It really was the only comfortable away to hold an FN (that's an SLR for our brethren on the other side of the Irish Sea) for prolonged periods of time.

Pack mules from a variety of sources. Irregular 25mm, Uwe Emhke 20mm and couple bodged together from spares. These are being led by some Uwe Emhke figures and Imex pioneers.
Imex pioneers doing duty as camp followers, accompanied by beef and bacon on the hoof (or should that be on the trotter?)
...and finally, Italeri French wagons and Imex pioneers wagons.

And that concludes our muster of the British army. I did not anticipate this taking to long and will hopefully return you to something a little more interesting shortly.


  1. It looks like your surgeon is either spectacularly unsuccessful or the inventor of the recovery position. The monks are from the Pegasus Californian Mission Indians set, which incidentally also contains a rather good ox cart which will do nicely for Iberia, as well as an ox plough which could also come in handy.

  2. That's not the recovery position, those men are just malingering. Those devout looking chaps nearby have been brought in to explain to them the dreadful sin of bleeding all over one's uniform.
