
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Falcata Spanish Grenadiers

A unit of the Princessa Grenadiers 

My Spanish army is growing slowly, to the extent that we should be able to play some of the more British heavy scenarios in the Spanish expansion relatively shortly. So far we've played Vittoria and Albeura, though thus far I've either been too busy or not happy enough with the physical setup to photography it for battle reports. But now that the Peninsular battles page has been completed and it looks like the Hundred Days page will be following suit shortly, expect to see some battles shortly where the Dons will be playing the starring role.

A sapper, drummer and officer of the Princessa Grenadiers

These are Falcata grenadiers that I got my greasy paws on through the good offices of Foy over at Prometheus in Aspic. Over there, it is eternally 1811, which I think you'll agree is a fairly grubby time - the Spaniards looked far snappier in their 1806 rig.  These were painted by Mr E with his customary skill. I know that the white uniform presented him some problems, but even the most skilled painters can grind their teeth at that. 

They had their first outing a few days ago when Donogh led them to victory at Albeura. I didn't have time to take pictures and I hadn't finished basing them, however defying the usual lot of newly painted figures they did well and saw off a French cavalry charge with nothing more than the curl of a moustache.

Pablo! A fallen grenadier

I choose the Princessa regiment as they got about abit and they feature in one of Hornblowers adventures. I quite like the look of differant coloured facings over white and though they may be as mechanically effective as French troops, they sure are colourful.

Viva Espagne!


  1. Nice unit - I really like these early Falcata figures - the first couple of box sets were mastered by Tomas Castaños, and they have a pleasing elegance which is not so obvious in the later sculpts. Good to see them.

  2. A really nice unit! I've got a spanish army, and it's always a pleasure to look at those colorful regiment...
    Very nice work on it!
