
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kris Kindle

Our main difficulty was convincing Gorman to wear the suit - doesn't he look well?

Ian over at The Blog with No Name has very kindly offered to organise a Kris Kindle or Secret Santa amongst the wargaming bloggers.  Every man, let along every wargamer hears "You're impossible to buy for" at least twice a year - but Mrs Kinch in particular is on the warpath as I've short circuited her usual wargaming Christmas gift of the Wargamers Annual. 

The idea is that Ian will make a list of all those interested and randomly assign each chap on the list another chap until everyone is both buying and recieving a gift.  As Ian puts it,

Spend is between £10-£15 plus postage. The idea is if the person lives in another country you buy from a on line retailer in their country. You blog post a wish list on your blog, either as a normal post or as an extra tab. I will randomly draw who your target is and let you know.
Simple really and a way of making sure you get something you really will like for Christmas. Of course you could leave it up to the buyer who can gain clue from looking on your blog."

 I won't be putting up a wishlist as I've taken part in a number of these, usually over at, and the best part is the surprise. But if you do fancy taking part (and to be honest, I don't fancy my chances of a wargaming related gift otherwise!) drop over to Ian's blog and let him know.  I think this could be fun. 

You'll find him here

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