
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Spanish Infantry from Falcata & HAT

 I'm having difficulty telling the metals and plastics apart, these I think are all from HATs Spanish Infantry set which will be available soon. 

I am at heart, a very shallow man.  I had a particularly vexing day today on a variety of scores and to be honest, I wasn't fit to be around I was in such a fury. However, being a very shallow man, I was immediately cheered up when these arrived in my inbox. These are a mix of Spanish infantry from Falcata and HAT painted as the Regiment Zaragoza and the Regiment Princessa by Krisztian Takacs.

If these can't bring a smile to a wargamers face, I don't know what will.

There's bags of character in the figures and Krisztian has done a wonderful job bringing it out. Look at those moustaches!

I know that at least some of the above are metal, but damned if I could tell you which is which. 

 A command group from Falcata. These are all metal and are some particularly dapper looking fellows. I love the Don officer on the left. 

HAT plastic on the left, Falcata metal on the right. 


I shall have to concentrate on getting the battle of Bailen to the table. It would be poor form indeed not to start these fellows with a victory. 

Krisztian is taking commissions and as you can see, his work is very fine. If you'd be interested in getting some figures painted, leave your email address in the comments and I'll delete it after passing it on. 


  1. Krisztian is a demmed clever chap with a brush. THose are lovely figures indeed. Hoping the rest of your day only goes up from here.

  2. Here's to shallow wargamers everywhere, then. Lovely figures! They've improved my day too.

    Best Regards,


  3. They are lovely!

    I'm tempted by Falcata, but am put off by the bad service experienced by MS Foy in particular. Do you know how Krisztian got his hands on the Falcata figures and what sort of experience he had?

    1. Hi,

      The Falcata figures are very nice with sharp and clear details. I especialy like the bottoms and faces. Almost nothing flash, only on the bottoms of the bicorns.
      Good materials, not to soft but you can bend it without broken.
      I don't like only the bayonets, they are such wide.


    2. Hi,

      The Falcata figures are very nice with sharp and clear details. I especialy like the bottoms and faces. Almost nothing flash, only on the bottoms of the bicorns.
      Good materials, not to soft but you can bend it without broken.
      I don't like only the bayonets, they are such wide.


    3. On the first 3 photos, you can see only HaT figures!


  4. Spiffy work. I like the sapper especially.

  5. Very nice looking figures, you have good reason to be happy now


  6. What remarkable work in 20mm. Clearly, the fellow is an oberbrushmeister! Nice figures to work on too - this type of quality is always a temptation. Blast!

  7. A fabulous work, those spanish infantrymen are looking great!

  8. ohh my god I love Falcataaa
    1/72 isnt??
