
Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like...


There's been quite a bit on the last few days.  My latest X-Ray is clear which is very good news and I'm finally back at work which is a relief. Admittedly, the bit where I viewed the work that had piled up in my absence was less than pleasant, but it's good to be back.

Christmas has been in full swing in the Kinch household for the last few days. I tend to get my Christmas shopping done relatively early in the year (July I think this year), which was a hangover from my time in retail, which means that beyond a few bottles of wine, there isn't much for me to do. One of the most wonderful things about having your own home is bringing home the Christmas tree - it marked the beginning of the holiday season for us. The house is redolent with the smells of pine and baking.

Mrs Kinch is a woman who observes a strict division of labour with regard to Christmas. Baking, decorating and so forth are girl jobs. Getting and setting up the Christmas tree, unpacking and setting up the cribs and so forth are boy jobs. Which reminds me, I have to make a backdrop for our crib - a job for tomorrow I think.  That rare moment where my modelling skills have a real world application.

There's been precious little going on on the wargaming front. I took delivery of some painted figures from Krisztian, pictures to follow soon.


  1. well, I guess I did a "girl job", got most of my Christmas baking done and packages of baked goodness sent off. :)

    1. I wouldn't mess with a man who bakes - mince pies are too close to my heart.

  2. Replies
    1. I'm sitting next to it - drinking a glass of port and relaxing after work - as I write this. The smell is absolutely wonderful.

  3. I really like your Christmas tree, Conrad. I am particularly fond of the trees that have spaces in them so that ornaments and small presents can be placed "inside" and not just on the outside of the tree. To my mind too many trees are simply "cookie cutter cones" with little personality.

    Have a wonderful Christmas, sir.

    -- Jeff

    PS, I also had good news from my latest battery of medical tests . . . my heart and lungs are okay, it is simply the chemotherapy that it causing my shortness of breath and not something worse.

    1. Great news on the medical front there Jeff. And a very Merry Christmas to you too.

  4. Glad to see you are back in action and infection has cleared up, Dublin will be a safer place now, just about to get Xmas tree down from loft today, together with about 14 boxes of decorations!!!
    wishing you both and all my pals there as well as all your readers a Very Happy Xmas with loadsa of books and figures in your stocking and a gameful New Year
    cheers Old John

    1. And the compliments of the season to you John. Give Cynthia my love.

  5. Lovely picture, looks a perfect place to sit and relax. Seasons greetings to Mrs Kinch and your good self, have a great Christmas.



    1. I'm doing exactly that just now as it happens. My armchair is in the corner and is neatly framed by the tree and the drinks cabinet (which also contains my modelling gear). Merry Christmas to you too Lee.

  6. Festive Greetings Old Fruit

    Hope all the Kinches have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


  7. You did a great job with the tree, shame about the wargameing, it's been quite here as well. Noisy next week though ;-)


    1. The wargaming will pick up - I'll just have to stop being such a sad sack about it.

  8. Merry Christmas, old man! And the tree looks wonderful.

    Best Regards,

    Heinz-Ulrich von Boffke (aka Stokes)

    1. I have passed your compliment onto Mrs Kinch who was very touched. Thank you Stokes.

  9. Beautiful Christmas tree! It has very nice feeling.
    Merry Christmas!
