
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

30mm base Guild Build

Cut the base from plasticard - check the measurements

The Guild runs what they call speed builds every so often. It's a silly thing really, you put a model together in order to satisfy some arbitrary criteria and you get a little medal ribbon for it, but it is fun. I always seem to forget these things, but I was determined to try and get something done in the two weeks assigned for this one. 

Crew assembled and undercoated

I chose an Elheim Soviet Dshk because I had one lying around, though curiously enough I can't seem to find much evidence in the TO&E of them being used in Motor Rifle Regiments, though I shall have to go looking again. I'm sure would use them as they're too useful not to have around, but how exactly seems a little sketchy. 

Almost finished product

A little more work needs to be done, though it was done rather quickly. I'll think of something. 


  1. Nice start, must get on with mine....

    My Micro Mark OOB sheets (find them on Wargames Vault) have the DSHK listed as part of a battalion support platoon. Don't know if that helps you any?



    1. DShK were only in the company of large-caliber machine guns in the rifle regiment and machine-gun company of anti-aircraft artillery battalion Infantry Division. Infantry loved the DShK, called him "Dasha" and tried to get a variety of unfair means.And the wheels on the machine - it is easier to carry, because a shortage of trucks.

  2. I do like the Russian wheeled machine guns - they seemed to be the only army that used them*, I wonder why....?

    * They were also the only one to use anti-tank dogs - may be there's a similarity there in effectiveness....?

    1. Of course, an enterprising general would have combined the two...

  3. DShK were only in the company of large-caliber machine guns in the rifle regiment and machine-gun company of anti-aircraft artillery battalion Infantry Division. Infantry DShK loved, called him "Dasha" and tried to get a variety of unfair means.And the wheels on the machine - it is easier to carry, because a shortage of trucks.
