
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Comrades, the scales have fallen from my eyes!

I wish to hereby make a statement of my guilt. I do this freely and without any previous torture, especially not torture involving punches in the arms or threats that I be taught to play "Flames of War". 

It is without doubt true that I am and have long been an agent of the Judeo-Christian-Trotsky-Fascists.  I have foully and wantonly brought Public Holidays into disrepute and sabotaged all attempts to keep "Collective Blog Number 417: Joy & Forgetfulness" about the wargaming. 

It has been brought home to me that Easter is just another public holiday, the transcendent joy that I felt yesterday was nothing but an illusion and that this blog has drifted dangerously from the right path.

There have been drunken duels with firearms, the possibly felonious impersonation of an official of the Third (or possibly the Fourth) Republic and unwholesome activities involving hats. 

My crimes speak for themselves and I can only await condign punishment. 

I took my orders directly from Lord Trotsky Siegfried Von Jesusovitz decoded in a series of YouTube Videos altered to ensure the counter-revolutionary subtext would be subtly obscured and only visible to the initiated. Other times, I took my directions, each more counter-revolutionary than the last, from mecha-hitler and the Mad Monk of the Frozen North

All of these accusations I acknowledge.

However, I must refute the allegation that I was the one who ok'd the movie "The Lovers Guide: Don't Roll a One Edition" for general release. Even a criminal such as I could not do that without a chill of the spine.

I humbly throw myself on the judgement of the court. I ask for no clemency as I know I do not deserve it. However, it is important that I draw to the attention of the collective to those  within its ranks whose disgusting activities must stamped out.

Comrade Rob Dean has been wantonly undermining the great wargaming dream for many years, including in his blog vile images of his "children", "ball room dancing" and so called "bread".  I only rejoice that my denunciation will led to the end of this madness. 

Comrade Chasseur is an even more dangerous criminal, because while his blog is superficially "..about the wargaming..", he pollutes its noble purity with "book reviews" and some patriarchial nonsense called, "Fathers Day." 

Comrade Itinerant is another superficially model comrade. He blogs about wargaming almost exclusively - but lo! What is this?  Here we find several posts worthy of attention, "Charity Water" and "Trademarks" . Mark my words Comrades, this is only the tip of the iceberg and conceals a vaster conspiracy. 

Comrade Prometheus in Aspic was one of the ring leaders of our Counter-Revolutionary orgies of excess and idolatry.  Not only does he frequently blog about about "Hooptedoodle" and "Justin Bieber", but in our private counciles he...well I will spare the court the pure indecency of this monster's thoughts.

"Lady" AlFront, a notorious drunk and transvestite, this former worker is now under the

thumb of capitalists and ravagers of worker's women. Fascist leanings and a self confessed inability to tell
right from left show this man to be a distinct danger.  This viper in human form lures innocent bloggers to his blog with posts about wargaming and then jams the knife of "gardening" , "book reviews" and crime upon crimes, "christmas", into their defenceless backs.

Finally, I turn to the most foul and deceptive creature I have ever met.  In my long career of infamy I have never seen such nausea inducing political corruption as that which pours forth as bile from the creature I name below. 

Comrade Cordery , feared even amongst Judeo-Christian-Fascist-Menshevik circles, this man poses a severe risk to children and livestock. He has been known for many years as a decrepit and debauched rakehell and gadabout, whose Portable Wargame is nothing more than a front to deceive upright Comrade into reading his crazed diatribes on "Detective Fiction" and "Airsoft."

But though I have grown old in evil and am long schooled in treachery, nothing prepared me for the sheer gut wrenching atrocity of his manifesto, "What I did on my holidays"

Would that I could but kiss the bullet that frees me from his foul clutches. 

As my final words know that I shall curse the very earth onto which this foul being was spilled.

As my final act,  I ask that all these criminals named above be treated appropriately by the Blogging Collective. 

Joy & Forgetfulness will cease publication forthwith, 
Collective Blog Number 417: Joy & Forgetfulness will continue in its stead. 

(with grovelling apologies to Dr. Alex O'Connor)

NOTE: This post was meant for yesterday, but was not posted due to me being an incompetent boob who went out for drinks on his birthday without checking first.


  1. This, this right here? This is why I love your blog. And the toy soldiers.

    1. Comrade Peoples Flaming Simian, your lukewarm commitment to the final triumph has been noted. Please report for immediate re-education at the People's Re-creational Gulag and Supper Club.

    2. I denounce the PRcGSC as a den of counter-revolutionary malcontents, factionalists, and careerists, and call for a purge in open session of the Party.

  2. Well, Conrad, my own blog sometimes strays wildly from wargaming too. And I have also been publicly raked over the proverbial coals (to or from Newcastle, it makes little difference) for it from time to time. So, I suppose we are in good, even esteemed company.

    Best Regards,

    Heinz-Ulrich von B.

    1. Comrade Boffke - your lobster based crimes speak for themselves and your pathetic attempt to avoid punishment will not allow you to escape the peoples justice!

  3. I suspect, based purely on observation, that this sort of thing is the natural outcome of having a "real life".

    1. Your recent on dogs was of considerable interest to the committee Comrade MacFarlane - a dangerous deviation.

  4. The truth about me is revealed!

    Thank you Big Conrad for showing me the error of my ways. I am off to shoot myself …

    Ouch! That hurt! And now my foot is bleeding all over the carpet!

    Why did I use a gun and ammunition made by the Peoples’ Revolutionary Arms and Munitions factory? Everyone knows that the Bolshevik United General Gun Institute is a much better design (i.e. BUGGI is better than PRAM).

    I die without honour.

    1. I cannot but rejoice at the news that the Fascist Viper is slain!

    2. Sorry to worry you ... but the ammunition was not very good either.

      The Fascist Viper still lives.

  5. I thought I was the notorious transvestite? I see I shall have to try harder. I'm not a drunkard, though - notorious or otherwise.

    1. Well I'm sure you could be a drunkard if you only applied yourself Comrade.

  6. Wearing ladies underthings? Drat! I thought no one knew.

    Best Regards,

    Heinz-Ulrich von B.

  7. To the malefactor Kinch,

    It is an outrageous imposition that you would dare to even conceive of thoughts other than wargaming. Failure to comply may result in being subjected to "the mind probe", so that you can be returned to a one dimensional state of thought!

  8. There's something not right here, but I don't know what. They warned me this would happen if i came off my antidepressants too quickly.


    1. Silence Comrade Joe! All is as it should be ! Ignore the man behind the blog. Everything is as it seems.

  9. I'm so excited to be part of this post April fools day joke thingy. Very funny.

    1. Comrade Itinerant ! This is no laughing matter! Report for re-education immediately!

  10. Conrad,
    Yours continues to be the funniest wargaming blog I frequent. Thanks for that.

    1. Comrade Ferryman - you unseemly levity does you no credit. Report to the People's Gulag & Health Spa immediately.

  11. Dear Comrade Kinch,

    This is all very well and good, but when is a photograph of the said referenced hat going to appear on your phizog so that I can steal a photo for the "Men in Hats" collection on my blog? One with the pipe too would be more or less mandatory. Until then it's just a picture of a headless hat!

    That invitation goes for any other particularly fine examples of Hattism that come to my attention.

    Kind regards, Chris.

    1. Comrade Kemp,

      I shall endeavour to rectify that oversight shortly - the Hattist menace must be carefully observed before it becomes a greater threat.

  12. Bit of an over-reaction or what mate?

    Picture of a signpost to Damascus and blood on the snow. More religious references ? Irrelevant to the rest of us.

    I enjoy your writings about wargames but I am genuinely surprised that you actually turned out to be a zealot.

    1. Perhaps we should declare March 31st a day when wargames bloggers blog about anything *but* wargames. Just to annoy Wg Cdr Luddite :)

  13. Unless you have Class B or A firearms license you can't own any weapon (either lethal or non lethal). This gun law in Massachusetts restricts gun owners to carry their weapon to the public place if they don't have the gun license. To get the license they need to participate firearms training course certified by NRA (National Rifle Association).
