
Thursday, July 25, 2013

British Shermans & Progress in the War Room

Group shot

I've been working on some armour for my '44 British army.  These are three Plastic Soldier Company Shermans (thanks Ben!) with a few extra bells and whistles added. They were painted as set out in the instructions from the Flames of War website. 

Sherman the first

This was made up with just a few little pieces of stowage and a HAT tank commander added. The stowage was a mixture of Hobbyden, Italeri and Valiant small packs. 

Sherman the third

Again made up straight from the box with some green stuff camouflage and some S&S stowage and a few bits and pieces added from the Plastic Soldier Company sprue. 

Sherman the third

And finally, the last Plastic Soldier Company Sherman with some Hobbyden boxes at the back, green stuff nets up front and some Plastic Soldier Company bits here and there. I had actually thought I had gone a little overboard with stowage on some of these, but when I saw some of the pictures out there of both tanks in action and the kits available to 1/35 scale chaps, I realised that I had been rather restrained. 

Everything but the kitchen sink. 

Though no doubt there is someone there who makes 1/35 scale kitchen sinks. These boys aren't finished yet and they need some decals and a spot of weathering, but on the whole I'm very happy with them. They have a suitably late war gypsy look about them without having gone completely overboard and they are good robust kits so I hope they will stand up to plenty of wargaming use. 

And lastly because I had it lying around and it seemed to be silly not to give it a go while it was lying around, an Armourfast Cromwell. I have another one of these with some scrim and other bits attached, but I ran out of black spray. I'll also want to attached some pennants and decals to this, but I'll have to look at what is available in the decal box and work from there.

In other news, the ceiling rose and lamp for the War Room is up.  This is a lamp that my inlaws got me in Berlin a couple of years ago. It's rather nice and it made from vellum.  

It also comes with this fantastic counterweight arrangement which allows the lamp to be raised and lowered over the game table. 

Next step, shelves and floor staining!


  1. Replies
    1. Champing at the bit to get moving on the shelves.

  2. Hmmm Berlin eh? Every bunker should have one!

    Nice looking tanks...

  3. You know, you've actually got me looking at this scale for Bolt Action.


  4. It's a lovely light and all, but it's a far cry from the strobe and smoke-emitting affair I drew up plans for during our recent sampling of Napoleonic-era cognac and dysentery-preventatives session. Perhaps it could be augmented with some sort of module to simulate the fall of shrapnel? I shall begin work on a fixture to suit.

  5. would appear you have fallen foul of PMMS - the "kitchen sink" picture is not allowed.. :o)

  6. I missed this post when you first posted it, sorry! They turned out rather well, Kinch, old chap! Very pleased to have been part of the project in a small way. :-)
