
Sunday, August 4, 2013

British Artillery

Panzer tank - Eight hundred - base of poplar tree - fire!

Just a quick update, while I luxuriate in the pleasure of a day off with Mrs. Kinch. I've been assidusouly ignoring my Cold War and Napoleonic projects to finish off my Second World War British the last few days. With my infantry sort and four units of armour in the bag, it was time to concentrate on some artillery.

These are Britannia 17lber and 6lber guns that I got through Mike's good offices. I've just managed to stick them together before heading to bed.   They should take care of most of my British artillery needs for the time being, though I will need a 25lber before too long.
I love this

I have been described as prematurely curmudgeonly by certain persons who are not strangers to this blog and to be fair they are probably right. I am a Luddite and I'm deeply suspicious of all things modern - however, I am passionately attached to my Iphone and particularly the ability to play audiobooks on it.  However, I got this piece for a few quid in a market and it's fantastic, the improvement in volume isn't huge, but it is just enough to drown out background noise. There's something gloriously absurd about fitting a speaking trumpet to an Iphone though - I think that's half the attraction.


  1. That is some punchy ART for the Brits, but you can never beat the good old 25 for battering anything soft


  2. An ear trumpet for an Iphone, whatever will they think of next, a large hand held lens through which to view the screen perhaps?

    1. Astonishing. Perhaps the time is right for such a device.

  3. Splendid an ear trumpet for an Iphone. Whatever next, a large lens through which to view the screen or perhaps a brass stand upon which to rest it when in ear trumpet mode?

  4. I have a few elderly relatives who would make good use of that trumpet.


  5. Can you please supply an ear trumpet like that for my father-in-law? I love him to bits, but he has a very hi-tech hearing aid he refuses to wear. I am on the verge of trying a bullhorn megaphone, but your i-phone adapter may be more practical!

  6. You can always be relied on to procure something left-of-field :O) Priceless!!

    Kind regards, Chris.

  7. You can always be relied on to procure something left-of-field :O) Priceless!!

    Kind regards, Chris.
