
Monday, August 19, 2013

Thomas Aktins Esq.

NOTE: I actually wrote this some time ago and only came across it in my drafts today. I was under the impression that I'd posted it in July, but it appears I was wrong. 

"Picture of Tommy Atkins, circa 1905"

One of the drawbacks of working alot at the moment has been that there hasn't been much wargaming. However, I tend to keep simple jobs like basing for when I want to unwind.  This means that if I have twenty minutes to spare or just want to decompress after work, there's something I can do to keep my hands busy and progress my projects. I find coming home after working nights is particularly good for this as I am fit for nothing, but I will be out of sorts if I go to bed immediately. 

Firing a trifle high I think. 

All figures painted by Krisztian Takacs

These are all figures from the Plastic Soldier Company's British Infantry box

An observer, a sniper and a Bren gun team

These are all uniformed appropriately for the Normandy campaign

One of the advantages of the PSC set is the collection of spare heads that be used to convert figures. These men are all painted with flashes for the 56th (London) Infantry Division.

A Radio team and a medic from the rear. 

And from the front. 

Note the use of the plug in extras, this figure can be equipped with a Bren gun or a Rifle.

Grenade throwing. 

These pictures were taken by Krisztian, These chaps currently in the basing queue and will be ready shortly. Then it will be time to get weaving on some British armour. 


  1. Nicely painted by Krizstian. I've got a box somewhere waiting to be done, maybe next month as I fancy a chanbe from the medievals and DAK I'm working on.

  2. Nicely painted by Krizstian. I've got a box somewhere waiting to be done, maybe next month as I fancy a chanbe from the medievals and DAK I'm working on.
