
Saturday, September 7, 2013


I finished this chap off this morning. On the whole, I would recommend the Bones figures. They're very affordable and the detail is good. Given the choice I would prefer GW style hard plastic, but it's not to be had for the money and the sculpts are very nice. 

I painted this chap with a quick blast of Army Painter white primer and a purple base.  I then added washes of red over the base in the hope of bringing out some of the folds in the drapery, a far cry from my more normally workmanlike painting. It looks rather better in person than it does in these pictures, but I think this shot from the real captures some of variety of tones that I was looking for. 

The staff was painted with dabs of diluted white with added dots. I had hoped that this would look like stars and galaxies, but it doesn't really seem to have worked. But it makes the figure look a little different and that's no bad thing. 

I had two minds about what I was going to do with this chap - but I have come up with a plan. A special game for Christmas I think, something a little different from my usual stuff. 

One last shot. 

So a definite yes on the Reaper Bones. Looking through the collection, there isn't a lot there for the historical gamer. There are plenty of fantasy types that could be pressed into service in medieval armies and a few cowboys, but beyond that not very much. Ed Pugh of Reaper Miniatures has told me that there are definitely Second World War and Wild West figures coming, but beyond that he didn't care to speculate. 

And I shall leave you with a Wizard of a different colour.  


  1. There's a bunch of stuff from the Chronoscape range that would serve, and Dame Rumor has it some of that will make it into the sequel kickstarter they're planning for the Fall.


    1. A sequel Kickstarter eh? That speaks of confidence.

  2. Replies
    1. If I ever jack the job in and decide to run a 1970s street gang we will be called the Rain Dogs.

  3. I really like the finish you managed on him


    1. Thanks chief - it took a bit of mental gear shifting to paint a 28mm figure again.

  4. It's a nice figure and I like the colors you chose.

    1. Thanks although I discovered that great minds think alike (and fools seldom differ...) as the painted example on the Reaper site has a similar colour scheme,

  5. I get the impression that the miniature is totally not supposed to represent Raistlin Majere at all, as many Reaper minis bear no resemblance to famous D&D novel characters.
