
Saturday, January 18, 2014

A make and mend sort of day...

The current state of the War Room

...or in actuality, more a make and mend sort of week. I've been pushing away at a re-organisation in the War Room for the last while. Sorting the Napoleonics has been a big job and trying to get everything fixed to sabot bases and in boxes has taken ages. There's still quite a bit left in it and I'm finding one of the really tricky part is working out when a box is finished. 

I can fit nine bases of troops in a single A4 document box and of the time this is easy. Nine units of French line, all done. The point where it gets tricky is working out which sorts of units go together when I have less than nine. My master plan is to attach labels to each unit and to each box, so that each unit will have a permanent home. 

The problem is of course, if I cram nine units in every box, what happens when I add that one last unit for a particular scenario. A certain amount of wiggle room is required.  The trick is how much. 

Russian Napoleonics/Crimeans 

I took deliver of the last few drummers and officers for my Napoleonic/Crimean crossover Russians from Old John this week and I will get motoring on them shortly. The uniform is simple enough, so I expect Mark will blast through them depending on how much work he has on.  In fact sorting out the Russian army is another one of my jobs as it is entirely possible that I might be able to play some of the Russian scenarios relatively shortly. 

Of course, the business of earning a crust has conspired to tear me away from hobby pursuits. 

I've always really like this scene, though paperwork is rarely as entertaining as this. There's just so much of it. It's like a tidal wave of ironing. There's always more to do. 

It's from Hot Fuzz, which is a wonderful movie and one you should see. 

And then there's this, which is just superb. Mrs. Kinch was making Shepards Pie last night and forgot that she only had four potatoes. She added turnip, swede and carrots to the mash and a dash of tobassco to the mince and frankly gentlemen, Empires have fallen for less. Wonderful stuff. 


  1. Hot Fuzz and shepherd's pie is an excellent combination.


    1. And it does leave the other free for firing a gun while diving sideways through the air.

  2. The room is looking exceedingly inviting. Are you sure you don't want to come work on mine?

    1. We'll see Ross - quite a distance to go on mine first!

  3. Shepherd's Pie and pipe of Peterson's afterwards... even better....

  4. Pray tell, what sort of vegetable is a swede? I don't think that term is Trans-Atlantic. It does sound delicious

    1. I am informed by Wikipedia that it is known as a rutabaga.

      And it was excellent.
