
Monday, January 27, 2014

Moving on

A quick snap of some Russian Dragoons

The last few days have been busy enough and I'm finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel in terms of finishing the sort of boxes in the War Room. It does mean that there is a collection of odds and ends scattered all over the table made up of orphaned units, extra figures and things that don't quite have somewhere to go yet.  Savage and Tootsie came over for dinner which was great fun. Savage made some suggestions about how to dolly up the A4 files boxes I use for storage which we'll be investigating. They are a great solution to a storage problem, but while they are practical, they're far from elegant.
In the meantime, I've been busy basing and organising units like the Russian Dragoons above in order that I can store them properly.

I was give this DVD has a Christmas gift from an old friend and it's actually pretty good. Low key, nicely written and well acted, there's a lot to like in "Ripper Street".  There have been some odd choices made in it, which are a pity, but on the whole I'm expecting good things.

Hannibals Elephants getting a bit of a work out. 

I finally finished "The Fall of Carthage" by Goldsworthy and the final third of the book did not disappoint.  I shall definitely have to read more of him, I thoroughly enjoyed it and am now casting about for another book to read. This actually reading physical books again could prove to be habit forming. 

Anyway, that's my rest days finished for another six days, back to the grindstone. 


  1. I rather liked the first series of Ripper Street, but I found the focus on the needlessly-enigmatic Token American Character a bit disappointing.

    1. I didn't mind him so much - though I wouldn't mind seeing a Christian character that is neither a fool or a lunatic.

      Though I must admit I got really annoyed with my self when the American went into the casino waving a gun about and my first thought was "That M&P is a touch out of period."

  2. On Goldsworthy I really enjoyed In the Name of Rome

    1. I've seen it about remaindered - but didn't get a copy because I thought I had one. It actually turns out that I didn't. Must sort that.

    2. The one complaint/criticism is the lack of a chapter on Sulla perhaps the fires of many a Marius we see in Goldsworthy

  3. Nice progress on the Russians, it's nice that you have found a solution to stretching their use across periods. I need to have a think about a hobby sort out over here.
