
Monday, January 20, 2014

The Foreign Correspondent

This arrived in my inbox this morning and it made for some very pleasant reading over my coffee and porridge.  I think it's bi monthly, but it's well worth a look either way. 

This issue is relatively representative and includes. 

The Villa Corsini and the siege of Rome 
- fascinating description of a proposed participation game at Salute. The siege of Rome has always intrigued me. Having walked the ground, I am still astonished that the Romans managed to pull off a cavalry charge up stairs! 

The Belgian Army in the Franco-Prussian War 
- not really my period, but interesting. 

A Revolutionary Hero of 1848/49
- contemporary obituary of General Schurz, veteran of the 1848/49 unpleasantness and the American Civil War.  

The Winter Campaign 
- piece about the Russo Turkish war of 1877. 

Kissinger, the difficulties of terrain
- plea for help in representing the above in a wargame. 

War Correspondents of 1895
- contemporary piece on journalists. 

A French Marine Infantryman of 1870
- article on making a 1/6 scale model soldier. 

At £6 for a digital subscription and £7 for a paper UK sub, I think the Correspondent helmed by the redoubtable Ralph Weaver is probably on of the best deals going. For further information, contact the Continental Wars Society. 


  1. Replies
    1. It is - I can't recommend it enough. There's a good deal of 100 odd issues on a cd for under a tenner.

  2. Never heard of this one - interesting.

    I wonder who's Kissinger now?….

    1. Well whoever he is, he's the doctor of my dreams, with his crinkly hair and his glassy stare and his Machiavellian schemes...

      ...also, doh!

      I meant Kissengen.

  3. I too got my copy this morning, can't recommended the magazine too highly, great info every time, Conrad no excuses now for not using up all your kepi headed troops and i have, of course, various suitable figures available to cover the contents of latest issue, hint, hint :-))
    cheers Old John

  4. I too got my copy this morning, can't recommended the magazine too highly, great info every time, Conrad no excuses now for not using up all your kepi headed troops and i have, of course, various suitable figures available to cover the contents of latest issue, hint, hint :-))
    cheers Old John

  5. Mine was waiting for me on my return from work.Splendid as ever well worth a read I say!
