
Monday, February 10, 2014

British Union of Fascists Riflemen

Sir Ian McKlellan kicking it old school with a Lewis gun

I've been taking an interest in the Very British Civil War idea for a while now as it seemed a fun way of doing some Second World War era games without being too tied down by details of kit. I have some British infantry and some partisans that would do, but you really need some proper baddies for this sort of endeavour. 

British Union of Fascists Riflemen 

These are Liberation miniatures Black and Tans from their Irish War of Independence range. I wasn't planning on using them for Ireland, so I decided they would do for the VBCW. 

I didn't have any white spray and I was eager to get motoring - so I went back to my roots and under coated black. The figures were then painted neatly using Vallejo colours and a fact sheet from the Flames of War site. 

I was not happy with the stark black as it just looked awful, so I did a light dry brush of grey over the black. This softened it considerably and was the only highlighting I did. 

Liberation figures, like Strelets, come with a lot of raised detail, so just a little bit of care gives a decent result. 

I have a second set of ten which will give me twenty figures - enough for 5 units of infantry suitable for Memoir '36. This should be sufficient for a game with a few extras.  

The chap on the left is holding a box of Lewis gun ammunition and there is a Lewis gunner in the other set. I might rate that as an MG if the scenario required it. 

It's funny - VBCW is a sometimes thing for me - but the change has been as good as a holiday. 


  1. Figures look great can't wait to see the game...

  2. Well, I thought I had the about exhausted the RH ranges, but I look at those and I'm thinking Carlists, I'm thinking International Brigade in the cold winter sierras.

    Ask not for whom the bell tolls, that's Gary Cooper not John Donne btw.

    1. They're not bad are they? I use the IRA guys as partisans.

  3. Mr. Kinch,

    I'd like to ask you the name of the film above with Ian McKellan and the lewis gun. That is a remarkable shot. Looks like he has done a "You Shall Not Pass" scene more than once!

  4. BUF --- boo, hiss! Up the Worker's Collective of Tiddleyside! Sorry, got all bolshie for a moment.
    I really must watch Sir McK in that version of Richard III. Another gap in my education.

  5. That is a still from the rather excellent Richard III film of 1996.

    It is sublime.
