
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Birthday loot

S Models Vickers Light Tank - BEF colours

You won't be hearing much from me for a little while as I managed to drop my laptop and I'm now in a situation where I have to decide whether its worth fixing or not. I will mostly be operating off my phone and occasionally Mrs Kinchs machine.  This rather puts a damper on my blogging. 

The camouflage scheme is proving dissappointingly effective

In the meantime, I've been painting Vickers light tanks. I might add aerials to these - but I think the camouflage scheme is a bit dull. Now as it happens, it looks quite mottled and that is probably good, but it seems a bit underwhelming. I might dial up the contrast on the highlight  on the base coat, so the other colour (Vallejo Marron Violet) looks better. We shall see. 

Still needs weathering and decals 

I have another four of these to paint. So I will need to come to some sort of decision. But the more I look at them - the more I think they need aerials with pennants. I'm relatively sure that there were pennants. 

Wonderful books 

I turned 34 the other day and Mrs Kinch presented me with the above - they are excellent. I've been reading Volume 9 and rather enjoying it. She is truly a pearl beyond price. 

HAT have produced their Seven Years War plastics and I definitely won't be going anywhere near that particular conflict. Honest guv. 


  1. Belated many happy returns to you.
    The excellent vickers tank reminds me of my father's dinky one,aa gun etc that I had but they got lost in moving many moons ago...
    I await the HAT with interest too.

    1. They are exceedingly toy like aren't they?

      As for the HAT - certainly not. At least not soon...

  2. Oh Conrad, you really must know that tricorns are much neater than shakos. Try them, you'll like them.

    -- Jeff

  3. 34? You stripling! Well done on both painting and presents. I have made a point of always avoiding the 18th Century - everything is such bugger to paint.

  4. Well after all 7YW is just early Napoleonics without the Interesting bits.

    Pennets? Definitely.


    .. :o)

    PS. Happy Birthday - mine too last week...

    1. Happy birthday to you Steve! Many happy returns.

  6. Great scores and Happy Belated Birthday

    Shame if you can't be around blogging for awhile


    1. Thank you. It is proving a bit of trial to be sure.

  7. Happy 34th! Too bad about the demise of the laptop. Good news is that you may have more time for reading your new Wargaming in History books! Both are terrific and the whole series is not to be missed.

    1. I am slowly working my way through the lot. They are excellent.

  8. Dear Conrad,
    Belated "happy Birthday." You've done a very nice job on the light tanks in terms of getting the color right. rather than worrying about a camo scheme, why not simply cut your base color with some light gray or a small amount of white and dry brush the surface to simulate dirt and exposure to the elements. You could also dry brush mud colored paint or simple dirt to simulate the wear and tera of combat.
    Nice job overall.

    1. I'm definitely leaning that way Jerry. I need something to give them a bit of a lift.

  9. Happy belated birthday, Conrad!

    Best Regards,


  10. Well a belted happy birthday etc., to you and I hope it hasn't passed the bar where birthdays become something to be grudgingly acknowledged.
    I was sobered though by the realisation that you're the same age as my eldest. Where did time go? :O(

  11. I took a bit of a dig through my saved pictures, and unfortunately the only one with a pennant on is clearly in Northern Africa rather than France. That isn't to say that it didn't happen, and obviously it should have because little flags make everything more cheerful.

    1. I'm afraid of what would happen if we didn't have jolly little flags.

    2. It really doesn't bear thinking about.
