
Monday, May 12, 2014

Cousin Bill

A man with a very impressive flag

One of the advantages of having married into old nerd is that Mrs Kinch's family is wonderful. We were over at Cousin Bill's for dinner and I got the chance to have a look at some of his wonderful Warhammer figures. Bill has a particular affection for the Empire, mainly because he likes Landsknechts. 

I should have gotten a better angle on the flag - but look at that horse. 

These are not the best pictures ever taken - but in my defence, I hadn't expected to get a chance to ogle his Warhammer collection.  Even taken by a somewhat squiffy Kinch, I think even an Iphone picture shows what a wonderful job he does. 

And the barding. 

I should have taken a better close up of the flag which is amazing in the flesh. 

Silly Imperial Knnnnn-ig-its!

Bill is more of a painter than a wargamer, but I am slowly but surely trying to drag him to the dark side. He's played some Napoleonics with us and seems eager for more. 

Chaps with spears - I rather like the fellow in the centre, he looks like he's just seen Alan across the otherside of the battlefield and is trying to attract his attention

Bill has done some cracking work with these GW figures.  Though it does make me wonderful, what sort of job would he do on some historicals, particularly some of these guys. 


  1. You'll have to coax him into finding out!


  2. You might want to urge him to look through the posts of the following blog:

    It is certainly full of wonderfully colourful Renaissance figures.

    -- Jeff

  3. I don't think it's Alan. I think it's Steve....STEVE!...STEVE!

    He's got a fair bit of talent, your cousin Bill

    1. Well done Johnny. I wasn't sure anyone would get that reference.

      He's a very clever fellow.

  4. They are impressive figures indeed. I too share a large "soft spot" for GW's Empire.

    1. They are very nice aren't they? I think they are some of the best GW have ever done.

  5. Lovely painting. Even better that you are getting him to put figures to a good use and better still that you are bringing him over to the real stuff!

  6. Fantastic work from him! I wonder will he bring them out to fight some Bretonnians?

    1. We might look into that. Perhaps we could get Dave to pull out his Battlelore set?

    2. We'd have to find a marker for flag colour in those rules..
      Otherwise (while it might be a shame to restrict the size of the game) could Savage Worlds give us a nice small unit game?

  7. I've been having lots of problems with my blog accounts and to save my sanity have decided to restart my blog if you would like to 'refollow' me please use this link
    Cheers Tony

  8. Your family and in-laws sound like something out of a novel. Wonderfully put - "old nerd".
    I like these chaps very much, they have a kind of Game of Thrones vibe about them.

    1. They do look rather well don't they? He's a dab hand. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying Game of Thrones. It's a very fine piece of television.
