
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Honved Hussars

One of the problems of having talented friends is that - well - they are just so damn talented that it's hard to hate and envy them as much as one should.  Our man in Budapest, Krisztian Takacs, has been sculpting a range of 15mm figures for the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.  They are, I think you'll agree, very fine looking fellows - one could almost forgive them for being in 15mm. 

These examples were painted by TK himself and represent Hungarian hussars in the new hussar uniform introduced in 1848. A disturbing lack of shakos I know, but there are some pelisses which is something.  I keep meaning to sit down and draft some scenarios for 1848, but I've been decoyed into the Crimea. 

This picture is probably more useful to those of us familiar with Hungarian currency, but it does give some idea of the size and heft of the figures. You can see some more of TKs pictures here

And for those who do play in 15mm and fancy giving a new period a bash, you can find these for sale at the Hagen Miniatures Store. 


  1. Even if they were in WWI field gray, or similar, I'd still be excited by hussars! These are lovely, conveying that vital hussar swagger, dash, and braggadocio even in 15mm.

    Best Regards,


    1. They have the look of thorough going blaggards do they not?

  2. I like those hussars! Too bad they are not for the later 1859 war that I field.

  3. Those are rather pretty, and speaking personally, are in a proper scale ;) Sadly, they also highlight yet another bit of history I didn't know existed. I shall have to make inquiries.


    1. That's the thing - there's always this funny little war somewhere that no one has ever heard of.

  4. These look excellent, will have to resist yet another period though


  5. Very nice - can you ask him to produce a 20mm Crimean range?

  6. You're right, beautiful minis, sculpt (and paintjob) is stunning!

  7. Oh, these are a delight! Small scale perfection. Aaaaah.

  8. Krisztian is one of the stars of the painting hobby. I was just admiring some of his work on Dreispitz's blog. I agree with von Boffke, they have that Hussar élan in spades. You can almost smell the paprika.

  9. Csodálatos! These are incredible sculptures, such detail.

  10. Extremely nice, Conrad. And 1848 as well! Wonderful.
