
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Getting there

Getting this home is one of the best jobs of the year

Mrs. Kinch and I were talking about the year in review last night and it appears that 2014 will not be one remembered with great fondness. I think in retrospect that view may have been somewhat coloured by the fact that yesterday did not go brilliantly, but every household has its own troubles. 

In light of recent events in Pakistan, our problems are shown to be so utterly trivial that allowing them to spoil things seems a shabby and unmanly thing to do. Work and school are stretching us, but alot of that pressure will be coming off on the 20th.  

In the mean time, I think we will focus on those many things that we have to be thankful for, not least the arrival of our magnificent Christmas tree. Mrs. Kinch did a cracking decorating job on it and also on the floor of the living room, now newly washed, stained and varnished. There's a rug coming for it, but that won't be until the New Year. 

I lack the words to describe how happy this makes me. It is the everything of home. 

A horde of dastardly Frenchers

In between wrestling with Constitutional Law essays, our finances and the logistics of Christmas, I had a chance to unpack some French infantry that I picked up from a chap that was selling a diorama. I based these last night and they look very fine. I'll be substituting some of my French line in great coats for these fellas and transfering the great coated men to my 1848 forces. 

Anyway this Criminal Law essay isn't going to write itself. More in a few days. 

A very Merry Christmas to you all. 


  1. Conrad Kinch,

    The Christmas tree looks great, as do your new French figures. I hope that you both manage to have a restful and enjoyable Christmas and New Year, and that next year is not quite so problematic.

    All the best,


    PS. How long before you qualify as a lawyer?

  2. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours , Tony

  3. Lovely tree. Do you know the make of the French?


    1. Those French look like italeri french line

  4. A lovely tree and wonderful figures, yes, but as you we do indeed have a great deal to be thankful for over and above material things. Best wishes for the approaching Christmas festival and New Year.


  5. Christos etexthi! Alithos etexthi! for the 25th (whichever calendar one uses...)

  6. Great looking tree and I hope you and Mrs Kinch have a most wonderful Christmas


  7. Tree looks splendid.I hope the essey is moving forward well...

  8. What a wonderful tree! May the both of you enjoy a blessed holy day and prosperous and healthy New year.
    Merry Christmas!
