
Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Prussian Purgatory

Into the tub they go...

Life hasn't been allowing much leisure time for messing about with toy soldiers of late, but with the prospect of some time off in march there is every possibility that we might get a game in.  With that in mind, I've been prepping some Prussians with a view to maybe getting to the CCN epic Waterloo scenario. 

These boys (and their pals) were part of a lot I picked up before Christmas on eBay. They weren't amenable to rebasing, so I tried a trick from Tony over at Toy Soldiering On. This involved soaking the bases in water for a couple of hours.

After an hour or two. 

And as it turned out it was super successful.  These are plastic figures unlike Tony's Wargames foundry boys and so there was a slight problem that the figures float when placed in water. But a little judicious weighting worked wonders. 

Looking pretty good actually. 

I've always considered rebasing a bit of a wargamers Purgatory. It is the dull exercise one must go through in order to reach the promised land - and I will do practically anything to avoid it. However these figures were too good a bargain to pass up and have turned out rather well I think. I am very grateful to Tony for this trick. 


  1. Keep going,March is not too far away now...

  2. Basing figures has always been a bit of a weakness with me. My current method is to mix paint (I use either Reeves light green or yellow ochre) into a tub of ready-to-use-filler, paste this over a 2mm mdf base, then simply push the figure into the filler and smooth the edges together. It's a very basic base and I keep saying I'll paint/flock over the result eventually - but I won't, as a basic finish it works.;postID=1079855620105912625;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=5;src=postname

    1. Sounds good. I might give that a shot . I couldn't open that link I'm afraid.

    2. Just a link to the completed Assyrian army on my blog,

      On the menu, it's the 'S' Range Assyrians are now based one.

  3. Very neat idea I will be giving it a go myself when I do the next lot


  4. I've been rebasing my Minfigs Napoleonic collection. I feel your pain. Mine used super glue to metal though so I pretty much had to pry each if the little fellows off the base gently. I think I only broke 1 in about 300 so far.

    The trick you used would have bee a huge help for some Saxons and Welsh I picked up from e-bay. Both painful to rebase because of the putty.

  5. Well done - you are a better man than I am squire. I hate it, but needs must, etc.

    Give it a try next time.

  6. A neat idea to try myself. And I am eager to see your eventually rebased and finished unit(s).

    Best Rgerads,


    1. They will hopefully be on the table before too long.

  7. Will have to try that next time, thanks.


  8. Rather nice figures, particularly the one with musket at the high port (?). Basing = purgatory (and I don't even believe in purgatory).
