
Monday, February 2, 2015

Thirsty Red Lancer

The Red Lancers or to give them their full title, the 2ieme regiment de chevau-leger lanciers de la Garde Imperiale, were a light cavalry regiment in the Imperial Guard. This chap is from Master Box and was done up by our fellow in Budapest, known only by the top secret code name, "Krisztian's Mate". 

The Red Lancers were originally hussars of the Royal Dutch Guard, but were taken were later taken into Napoleon's Imperial Guard in 1810.  They marched into Russia in 1812 and suffered massive losses, but were reformed to serve on through 1813-14, though lacking many of the original Dutchmen. 

I think you can agree that this is an extraordinary piece of work.  Perhaps this fellow is taking refreshment during the retreat from Waterloo. The Red Lancers escorted Napoleon away from the fatal field of Waterloo.  No doubt it was thirsty work. 

The reins in particular are just a fantastic example of the modelers art. The Belgian housewife is an interesting study. I'm not sure if she is looking wistfully at the Lancer, as all the nice girls like a man in uniform, or simply waiting for this unwelcome intruder, still reeking of horse sweat, blood and gunsmoke, to be gone from her home. 

Who can say? 


  1. A stunning vignette in any case! Are the figures 54mm, or a different size/scale?

    Best Regards,


    1. They are 1/32 or 54mm. It is rather magnificent is it not?

  2. Exquisite! Hard to believe that is a model. Looks like an oil painting. The horse? Finest brushwork I have ever seen on realistically reproducing a horse.


    1. He does magnificent work. I shall be putting him somewhere special.

  3. Some discussion here

    The proper French name is '2e régiment de chevau-légers lanciers de la Garde impériale'

  4. Yes, my first thought was it looks very painterly, like it stepped off a fine canvas. As for the young woman, she looks a bit like she just wants to have done with him; almost rolling her eyes in that last pic. (or maybe that's just me) ha ha

  5. For a terrifying moment, I thought it was a 20mm vignette! But, even in 1/32 it is very nice indeed.

  6. I am well familiar with that look and it is not one of admiration I assure you : )

    Very well painted pieces!
