
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Deep in Kukuanaland

She knows her audience...

My apologies to regular readers as blog posts have been precious few this year, a bare dozen and not what we have come to expect from young Kinch.  I can but plead the fact that I have been deep in Kukuanaland these last few months and that if I escape alive, I shall return loaded with the first half of a legal education from the proud warrior chaps that run that particular establishment. Between maintaining a respectable work return at my day job and ensuring that all my essays and such make it in, there's been precious little time for anything else. 

I have just about managed to keep my head above water writing for Battlegames.  We concluded a rather exciting Napoleonic game played by email, though at a rather more leisurely pace than I would normally go for. 

The rather excellent lid pictured above was a gift from Mrs. Kinch on the occasion of my turning thirty five last week.  She is the finest of all her sex, as if I needed reminding. 

It has taken me a lifetime to reconcile myself to 
the fact that I will never be able to pull this look off.

There's not much else to write really other than to thank the correspondents who were in touch during the week - it's nice to be missed. I hope it won't be long until the next posting. 


  1. Chin up, Young Kinch!

    Happy Easter,


  2. There is a fair chance that'll you'll live through a thousand months before you're done. Don't sweat a few where you're busier than a live paper hanger.

  3. Happy birthday, young lad! Excellent topper! Kudos to the memsahib!

    And best wishes with your endeavors in Kukuanaland! I know what it's like to pursue and education whilst also working full time. Thank goodness that's in the past for me. It pays off in the long run!

    1. That's what I keep telling myself. She knows her onions to be sure.

  4. Take care and Happy Easter to you and yours!
    p.s good to hear from again here and i wonder how I missed your splendid last post and photo.

  5. Congratulations on attaining 35!
    That is a mighty fine gift! How about a photo of you in it?

    1. We shall see what we can do - but I warn you, I do not photograph well.

  6. You owe it to yourself to drop wargaming into a little box and put the lid on it every now and again so that other priorities can take centre stage! Good luck with the studies!
    Oh,and yes... You owe it to us to wear the pith helmet next time you're at the wargames table! And post pictures! Front Rank, Fire!!
    All the best.

    1. Thanks Phil. Keeping the nose to the grindstone is going to be difficult, but I keep telling myself that all I have to do is pass.

      I will see about the pictures. I will have to get weaving on my zulus certainly.
