
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Let us now praise famous blogs

Where are we going?

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and the subject of blogs came up - and rather more shockingly it became apparent that my pal didn't follow "The Campaigns of William Augustus Pettygree".  In the unlikely event that any other blog readers would be so unwise - I thought I should bring it to your attention. 

And what shall we find there?

Bill's "The Campaigns of William Augustus Pettygree" blog is a chronicle of the exploits of this particular officer as he serves Queen & Country on the North West Frontier and beyond. Bill's hall marks are...

- engaging photo narrative made up of posed pictures with figures in between games. 
- truly vast games with hundreds of beautifully painted figures and massive tables. 

The whole setup can be searched and viewed from the links at the side and stretches over an unbelievable sixty plus episodes. The games usually use modified Batailles de Anciens Regieme (BAR), but there are skirmish games in their as well. 

Love that elephant

Probably one of my favourite posts was Outpost Number 3  which managed to combine a photostory with campaign logistics and a parade of wonderfully painted figures. Story AND game AND miniatures showcase all in one package. 

Just fantastic stuff and if you want to see exactly how good the hobby can be, you owe it to yourself to take a look at Pettygree. 


  1. I follow that blog, but have never managed to get into it; not sure why. But if you like that sort of thing then it's the sort of thing you will like :)

  2. Wonderful blog, thank you for the link CK, I had not seen it before ... bookmarked and added to my blog list! Funny thing is that I have been browsing the Peter Pig 'Colonial' range recently with increasing interest ... such a temptation :)

  3. Thank you for your very kind remarks Conrad!
