
Monday, May 25, 2015

Post Exam Relief

HAT Hadendowa Camelry

I finished my last exam on Friday and it's been a huge relief.   Mrs. Kinch and I had sort of put things on hold until they were done, but now that they are over it's great to be back to something approximating a normal life.  Unfortunately, one still has to pay the piper, so I finished exams and headed straight back to work.  It's good to do be able to get back to a bit of honest graft without having to think about the academicals for a little bit.  I'm reasonably sure that I achieved a pass mark in all six exams, there's one that's a little shakey, but if I have to repeat it it won't be the end of the world. 

With hopefully some Napoleonic games in the offing and the continuing adventures of Lt. McKenzie on the Northwest Frontier to chronicle I am of course, doing the only rational thing under the circumstances.  I've started gluing together some Hadendowa Camelry for the Sudan. Why? God only knows, I saw them in the pile and I liked them.  There's tons of other figures I should be attending to, but...

"You may have your Pay-than, yer Zulu and yer Burmese, but Fuzzy is the finest of the lot."

 Or so it would appear. 

Their nice simple figures in that oddly rubbery HAT plastic.  They go together well and I had considered pinning them in place, but they seem to stick well with superglue and a coat of PVA will do them no harm. 

The work of Kinch Senior

This is something of an indulgence, but it would be a shame not to share the work of the enomously talented Kinch Senior Esq. with you. Kinch Senior has been given a commission by a group that do the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage to do a piece for their club house.  The above is a prayer to Saint James in Irish and English. 

There are times when familiarity dulls my appreciate of how talented an artist my father is and then he produces something like this. 

Detail, note the layers of paper. 

My father is a calligrapher by training and inclination, but he has more recently experimented with writing in pencil and then cutting the paper to make a reverse, negative image. In this piece, he has used layers of paper to create a multi-coloured image and it's simply wonderful.  Well done Dad. 

Speaking of things that gladden the heart. I saw this grey gentlemen on my way to work the other day.  This was about as close as I dared get, but he was beautiful don't you think?


  1. What a great post! It brings a smile to the face.There is nothing like finishing an examination series to make you appreciate the sheer joy of life. And what better to celebrate, beauty in art and nature, family, and of course wargaming. I trust you will find room for a little drop of something celebratory.


    1. Absolutely. Unfortunately, I was in work five hours after finishing the exam - so the libation will have to wait until this weekend. On the other hand, life is pretty sweet already.

    2. Do you have that feeling of unease that you should be doing something... I remember it distinctly after exams at University... then that happy feeling when you realise they're all done, all over again....

  2. Heron?

    Congratulations on your exams - when will you hear results?


    1. Correct first time. Truly a first rate monkeyboy.

      July. Fingers crossed :)

  3. Lovely picture. I ride past a small lake where one of these birds hang out on my way to work. Distance is about similar, but fat chance of getting a decent picture from a moving train.

    1. Thank you Thomas. I had to be speedy, but quiet as I needed to get close enough to snap with an iphone, but not be late for work either.

  4. Congrats on the finish and I hope you get the pass you deserve


  5. Beautiful work by your father , we had a Heron in our back garden last week after the frogs in the pond , Tony

    1. He is rather good isn't he? Dad rarely shows off his stuff, but when he does it is something else.

      Birds like the Heron are a gift.

  6. Glad your exams are done with, and I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for good results. I'm sure things went well. Your father's artwork is wonderful as is the photograph of your gray feathered friend. What type of bird is he/she? I don't recognize the type.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thank you very much Stokes.

      The bird is a heron. We get them on the canal fairly regularly now. They are silent and graceful.

  7. Congratulations on completing your exams and academical work (for now?)!
    I have done some minor amateur calligraphy and greatly enjoy it. Kinch Senior's work is beautiful! Continuing in the grand Irish tradition of calligraphy.
    And the grey gentleman is cool. It always makes me happy to see various birds out and about where I live, like the hawk I saw at the grocery store yesterday morning.
    Looking forward to more about Lt. MacKenzie.

    1. Thank you Fitz - I hope to have something about Lt.McKenzie very soon.

  8. Enjoyable post. Always great to finish exams that is certain.

  9. Delighted that the exams are over and normality will trickle/flood back in at Kinch Towers. I enjoyed seeing your father's beautiful work and the heron looks splendid.The camel chaps will look great on the table top I am sure.

  10. Wonderful news all around CK! Savour the achievement of getting your exams done, it should be a moment of hearty self-congratulations (and thanks also to the forbearance and support of Mess. K to be sure.
    Ypur father is a talented fellow to be sure. The colours and textures in that piece are stunning.
    There was a British comic of the 1970s that featured animals. My parents were quite fond of it. One character was a heron who wore a CofE clerical collar and was quite grave. Your bird reminded me of that quite out of the blue.
