
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Victorian Volunteer Regimental Name Generator.

A fine body of men, click below to discover the name of this august corps

I have been advised by no less an authority than the Reverend Michael Peterson as follows,

"Any unit that can mix Place Name+Utility+Weapon (e.g., Singapore Telegraph Howitzers) is a unit I'd want to be part of."

With an endorsement like that, who could but revel in the possibilities presented by such a military formation? In that spirit, I offer you the Victorian Volunteer Regimental Name generator. 

Please click on the link above to call this enthusiastic amateurs to your colours. 


  1. I now am in command of the Helmand Seminary Piquets. They're a bloody shower but with hearts of gold.

  2. Well, this must be fate!
    I clicked on the link and got this one:
    Scinde Young Men's Christian Halberdiers

  3. General Du GourmandMay 14, 2015 at 4:13 PM

    Calcutta Seminary Sharpshooters for me

  4. I got the Calcutta Teacher Training College Horse Artillery ... better known the 'Blackboard Gunners'.

    A great little name generator!

    All the best,


  5. Haha, the Helmand Scientific Cavalry looks pretty awesome to me! Nice discovery :)

  6. Bengal Topographical Heavy Dragoons. I think I'm in love.

  7. Well done men, I shall personally lead the Poona Kings Own Badger Baiters into battle.

  8. Marvellous, Gentlemen. I can't wait to get the Herat Topographical Volunteers onto the tabletop. A masterstroke, Mr Kinch! Bravo

  9. Kars Light Industrial Volunteers for me. Useful chaps who can skirmish with the best or knock up some decorative biscuit tins out of any old sheet metal or tin scraps they find lying around.

  10. I now command the Meerut Apprentices Territorials - a junior company with more enthusiasm than sense. ;)

  11. Oh the Holkar Hydrographic Volunteers... What a body of men to serve the Queen
