
Thursday, June 18, 2015

The dawn of Waterloo

The Dawn of Waterloo by Lady Butler

There is some part of my heart where it is always half seven in a muddy Belgian field and the freedom of Europe is being staked on whether brave men can endure just that little bit longer.  

The light draws in, the drums crackle with the pas de charge and Napoleon is still to be beat. 

I wish you all joy of the day.


  1. Conrad Kinch,

    What a touching and evocative blog entry.

    Have a great Waterloo Day.

    All the best,


  2. My favourite Waterloo picture!

  3. Bravo, CK. Good post. To have endured a night of pelting rain, and to rise from a muddy bed in sodden wool to face a stern foe would try the mettle of the strongest soldier. They were giants/

  4. Hmmm... "freedom of Europe"? Isn't that a bit a modern interpretation 200 years after the facts?

    1. This is probably not the right place to have a discussion about this - a pint at some wargames show might be a better place - but what "freedom in Europe" are you referring to?
      I think we all agree that Waterloo was very significant to reaffirm the new power of balance reached at the Congress of Vienna, but that has noting to do with freedom. It is merely a deal struck between nations about who controls what territory. Freedom - and especially for the ordinary population - is not something I see as a parameter in the equation. On the contrary, one can argue (and this frequently comes up in all sorts of discussions) is that Vienna and Waterloo are the triumph of the old regimes over the ideals of the French revolution.
      Now, the truth is probably more nuanced than that, of course, but the mere fact this is still being debated is that it is not unequivocally accepted that defeating Napoleon means freedom in Europe.

    2. Don't get me wrong. Waterloo was of course the final important battle to end the period of wars in Europe, and to bring stability and peace. But freedom? For whom of what exactly?

  5. Paraphrasing William Faulkner no doubt. Still, well-written !

  6. I also noticed the Faulkneresque touch.
