
Friday, July 31, 2015

1st Hussars

(click to embiggen)

After all that time stealing other mens glory - I thought it might be time to post some pictures of figures that I've painted myself.  These are hussars of the 1st Regiment of Hussars in the French service.  They were originally know as the Hussars of Bercheny, but were renamed during the Revolutionary unpleasantness.  

I love commanding cavalry on the tabletop, but I hate painting them. With that in mind, I purchased some French hussars from a german collector last year.  Now as it happens, I managed to get enough figures to do one and a half units.  

(click to embiggen)

So I gritted my teeth and based up some extra Italeri hussars that I had lying around and painted up the spares.  These fellas complete one unit and I will have to paint up officers and a bugler for the second. 

The first served at Eylau, Friedland and Leipzig so they will see some service against my Russians.  

Not the finest paint job ever to grace a toy soldier, but they fit with the rest of the unit and that's the main thing.  

(click to embiggen)

I don't have any Napoleonic games planned right now and I do actually have three units of Chasseurs in stock should I need them, but occasionally one needs more than three units of French lights cavalry for large games. 

Not that there any of those planned right now. 

To be honest, there's probably dozens of things I should have painted before these (and I have another four lads to go!) like for example Afghan jezails,  VBCW BEF and Crimean turks, but I suppose this just goes to show the innate perversity of the wargamer. 


  1. I say, throw caution to the wind and do not worry about what should have been painted. YOU PAINTED! That is a victory.
    To keep the brushes flowing, paint what motivates you. You can always return to the list of "What Must Be Done" later.

    As for commanding cavalry, I prefer an infantry command, myself. I guess I am simply not dashing enough for that assignment.

    Nice work on the hussars!

    1. Thank you very much Jonathan. It was pleasent to just bob along and finish something off. I've another four figures to do for the second unit.

      But there's always so much that "must" be done.

  2. They look wonderful! I too share your aversion to actually painting cavalry, but there is no denying they are fun once actually finished and on the table.

    Best Regards,


    1. The temptation is always to get stuck in with them, which means that you've none left for the pursuit.

  3. Replies
    1. The wax those moustaches every night you know. Colonels orders.

  4. Why do you hate painting cavalry? They have the nicest uniforms ;)


    1. You see FMB, you are the reason that we can't have nice things.

      Now if you'll excuse me, I have more pelisses to paint.

  5. Nice job, Kinch. I must say that I feel your pain re. painting cavalry: I don't enjoy painting all the tack and saddlecloths etc.

    With the added bonus of me being a crummy cavalry commander, I often find myself watching a unit I've laboriously painted running away after being given what-for due to my own mistake!

    1. Which makes it all the worse.

      It's a pain in the backside, but every so often it all goes right with the cavalry and when it does it's glorious.
