
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

TIckling along, but I think I'll stay a brunette

Basing trees

Without too much time to bless myself with, I have been trying to find small jobs that I can finish.  With that in mind, I tackled my remaining trees. These were all based (after I secured some more glue sticks) in an afternoon spent with Mrs. Kinch, which was rather fun.

A HO Scale shepherd and his flock

Along with the trees, I found a little box with this chap and his pals in it. A HO scale shepherd and his flock.  I have no idea where these came from, perhaps I bought them, who can say? 

Taking the sheep dog for a walk

I've no idea what I'll use these for, but they're based now and usable.  They'd make good camouflage tokens for Very British Civil Wall or just general set dressing. 

Some of the sheep

Static grass seemed a touch du trops for such a small figure, so I relied on the old Games Workshop early nineties expedient of wood glue and sand, painted green and then dry brushed yellow.  It looks fine. 

Blood in the water

Meanwhile, I'm back at school - which sadly is no where near as amusing as this song. Jurisprudence & Human Rights are proving fun, Equity and Company Law, not so much. 

En avant!


  1. Onward and upward, Conrad!

    Best Regards,


  2. Nice flock. Pity you multi based them, there was once a one page set of solo rules for herding sheep into a pen to be played in a not too busy corner of a big slow moving wargame.

    But, then it looks like your games bowl along too briskly for this sort of sideplay. Hidden movement & ambush markers and dummy markers is a good idea. Ths sheep (not the shepherd of course) could serve in Colonial games as well.

    1. I thought about single basing them, but to be honest Ross I reckoned they'd just get broken and would be too fiddly for actual use.

  3. When time is at a premium, small projects that can be tackled quickly are a perfect remedy towards accomplishing bigger goals.

    Stick with it!
