
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Secret Santa

As Ian quite rightly pointed out, the Wargames Bloggers Secret Santa is upon us once more and I am very grateful to Ian and Cathy for being the organising brains behind it.  As Mrs. Kinch regularly tells me I am impossible to buy for, something I think every man hears about twice annually, it has been suggested those taking part should put up a wish list.

So here's mine.

Most of these are pretty much with a view to using them in 1880s Afghanistan using The Sword and the Flame, which using 20 man infantry units or 12 man cavalry units.

Newline Designs Ghurkas

These are lovely little figures, though Newline are always a little small, which has never proved a problem for the Ghurkas. And the unit pack is on sale.

Ral Partha Ghurkas

I have some RP Sikhs which are ostentably 25mm, but which mix with my 1/72 stuff with no problems.

Douglas Miniatures Turkish Cavalry 

These are quite elegant simple figures available from John Cunningham.  at

Afghan Civilians

Both Elheim and Britannia do some Afghan civilians, which while designed for contemporary conflicts would also do very well for the 1880s.


  1. Nicely themed Wish List. Although I have not purchased any Douglas Miniatures, I agree with your elegantly simple description.

    I appreciate the heads-up regarding Newline's sale. A few more Biblicals for me!

    1. I thought it might be a good idea to keep it focused.

      Newlines are wonderful little fellas. I have a bundle of them in my Napoleonic armies and they are just great.

    2. I recently ordered a test batch of the 28mm Newline Trojans. Nice figures that will fit perfectly with Foundry, Redoubt, and BTD.

  2. As a public service, I will note that the "Ral Partha Colonials" were true 25mm figures. They are still available (at a good price) from here:

    -- Jeff
