
Friday, November 6, 2015

Up Guards and at 'em!

Marching along

Unfortunately, things have not been ideal in the Kinch household this last week.  Being a law student has proved a little more exciting than I would like.  As I was on the way home from class last week, I happened upon a chap who did not like the cut of my gib.  Unfortunately, the first I knew of his disdain was being struck on the back of the head.  I was fortunate not to lose consciousness and though I flatter myself I got my licks in, my larger opponent got the better for the engagement.  I managed to get off the ground before being kicked too badly and went at him again, whereupon he took off.  

The result has been a concussion and some other injuries, but nothing too serious.  The blows to the head are taking a lot longer to shrug off than I had hoped, but the main thing was that I managed to contact the cavalry, chase him up the street and we apprehended the miscreant close the scene.  Now all the remains to be done is to let the courts do their work.  This will be a slow process, but a necessary one. 

Left turn! 

While convalescing, I did some work on these four Prince August Classic Toy Soldiers.  I can't remember exactly how or why I ended up with this mould, but I cast them while I was doing some work on decorations for the children and painted them this week. 

High gloss varnish does not lend itself to phone photography

They were undercoated in white and painted with usual vallejo acrylics. The uniform is a slightly stylised version of the dress uniform of the Irish Guards. These were a pleasure to paint and think I would like to do some more. Mrs. Kinch has already paid them the compliment of referring to them as "proper toy soldiers" and set them up marching across the bookshelves in the library. 

They were given a coat of gloss varnish from a tin I found in the shed while getting some chicken out of the freezer. 

Note the simplified cuffs

The result has been very pleasing.  I think I might add a few more when I get the chance. I'm not sure I want to do anything with them other than march them around the library, but they were very pleasant to work on while I was grumpy and out of sorts. 

Blue plumes

With a bit of luck, the headaches and other inconveniences should be over fairly soon as to be honest, time is a wasting.  I'm falling behind with my schoolwork and I shudder to think of the pile of work emails that will be waiting for me. So in the words of the Duke. 

Up Guards! And at them!


  1. Lovely soldiers, Conrad! And I hope your recovery is speedy.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thank you very much Stokes. I showed Savage some of your work the other day, he was very taken with your porcelain soldiers approach.

  2. Man, that is a terrible mishap. Glad to hear you will mend properly and that the perp. was apprehended.

    Like the toy soldiers!

    1. I was very lucky to be honest Jonathan. Onwards and upwards.

  3. Proper Toy Soldiers indeed! There are some stout lads in Castle Kinch.

    1. I can only hope they shall receive reinforcements.

  4. Conrad - I'm very sorry to hear about such an unpleasant incident and hope you are recovering well. Toy soldiers can be a great comfort at such times!

  5. That is an awful thing to have happen to you. I hope that you recover soon, although concussions can have a time frame of their own. Take care.


    1. I must admit the concussion is taking rather longer to shake off than I anticipated. Thanks Jim.

  6. Dreadful incident, glad you came out of the ordeal relatively safe and well and that you are able to put a face and name to this particular piece of low-life.

    Hope your recovery continues at speed - Norm.

    The bearskin chaps are looking good, some pretty neat trouser lines going in there. Having just dome some piping on ACW artillery crew trousers, I know it is a 'hold your breath' moment and you don't get a second chance.

    1. Norm, I find sticking your tongue out helps greatly.

  7. Sorry to hear that the custom of the king hit is not confined to the Antipodes. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thank you Mr. Hughes. I had to go look up the "king hit", an Australia version of the sucker punch.

      You learn something new everyday.

  8. I wish you good spirits and a speedy recovery, Mr Kinch. And we'll done for apprehending the foul scoundrel who set about you.
    The Guardsmen look simply splendid. A tabletop of such fellows (maybe just a few dozen at first) would be something to behold!!!
    Best wishes

    1. And you Sir...are the death of good intentions.

      A tabletop you say, well a fellow can dream.

  9. Indeed they are Proper Toy Soldiers, Mrs Kinch is clearly one of those "rare and gifted women" referred to by H G Wells himself!

    1. You're telling me Brian.

      Though to be fair, I can't help but feel that exposure to your magnificent collection is just a little bit responsible for this sudden shiny turn in events.

  10. Splendid proper toy soldiers indeed!
    Take care.

  11. Sorry to hear of your injuries , I hope your on the mend . Yes they are 'proper toy soldiers' aren't they ! , Tony

    1. Slowly, but surely Tony.

      Not quite in your league, but I rather like them. I was casting covetous eyes at your Prussians. Did you ever get any cavalry for them in the end?

  12. Dear Lord Sir, I am troubled to read this, I do hope that you are on the mend and that the whole traumatic incident isn't affecting you too much. The guards are absolutely splendid, by the way!.

    1. Old enough and ugly enough I think Michael to shrug it off at this stage.

      I am very taken with the Guards. I might raise a few more.

  13. Sorry to hear about the attack that you were subjected to. I only hope that the miscreant is treated with sufficient harshness to make him realise how serious the matter is.

    As to the toy soldiers ... well they are exactly that, and pretty marvellous-looking as well! I also have that mound, and keep meaning to cast some figures for my own FLW armies. Perhaps I will ... once things at home have settled down.

    All the best,


    1. They are great fun Bob and I heartily recommend them.

      As for my friend of the other night, well I doubt he will be transported to Australia.

  14. Glad to hear you're recovering, Kinch. And good to hear you got the SoB. Lovely soldiers.

  15. Conrad,
    It wasnt some itinerant wargamer who has been reading some of your outpourings?Nice figures by the way.

    1. All the evidence would seem to support that Robbie - I don't think we can rule it out.

  16. I think I might have one or two that might leave a mark to be sure :)

  17. Especially if you slip some lead in...

  18. I've always fancied having a go at those Prince August models, but The Wife feels that I would end up burning the house down and won't let me.

    1. Perhaps a small gas stove outside?

    2. It is surely what God invented the garage for... casting...

      On the less pleasant subject, Lord, there are some knobs in the world.. take care CK... one of your previous customers perhaps??

  19. Students are thug magnets, it seems. Reminds me of the time when I was set upon by "casuals" in Edinburgh in about 1985. Unfortunately there were five of them and only one of me, so no prosecutions ensued! I was lucky to get away with only bruised knuckles, Very glad that you are one the mend. Lovely troops, as always. WM

  20. I was sorry to learn of your encounter. I'm glad that it wasn't worse than what it very easily could have been. "Let justice be done though the heavens fall!" upon the perp. On the other hand...with a "head injury", an impressive bandage, a "Tums" antacid pill held in the mouth - for a proper foamy effect, and a distant "crazed" look to the might be able to milk this for years.
