
Monday, January 25, 2016

In praise of beards

I have never had the moral character and sheer strength of will required to grow a beard. However, I have always greatly admired those men who can achieve such heights of facial distinction.

Sadly I am smothered with a chest infection at present. This has meant that what little time I have at present has to be devoted to study.  But I did get the chance to do a little bit of work on my lancer while watching the telly with Mrs Kinch. I'm no good at all with green stuff and had to go back add extra bushiness to this beard after undercoating the model. We shall see if he improves with paint.  I have found a spot of colour and gloss varnish covers a multitude of sins. 


  1. Growing a beard is both a quest and a reward in itself. I wouldn't feel whole without facial hair.
    Take good care of yourself young fellow, if' you're able to take care of the beard of others (however small they might be), you're in the right path.

  2. A fine figure of a man, always fancied cultivating a beard myself, but Mrs. Awdry has suggested that this wasn't such a good idea!

    1. Women deny us everything we truly we want and desire in life :)

  3. Nice work!
    Get better and think about growing a beard! :)

  4. A truly excellent beard sir! Have you tried Magic Sculpt instead of Green Stuff? Much easier to use in my humble opinion.

    1. I've never even heard of it. Thank you for the recommendation.

  5. Missing my beard now it's winter. Nice work on the lancer, he should paint up nicely.

  6. I find a beard just happens. Mine exists because I lack the moral character and sheer strength of will to shave.

    Indeed the only reasons I don't look like WG Grace and do actually trim it or shave it off from time to time are (i) my wife and (ii) my alter ego (who can't do the Conchita Wurst thing as well as she does)

  7. Ha ha, Kaptain Kobold. :D

    I had a beard in my younger days, but these days I prefer to be clean-shaven (except when I get lazy).

  8. Hope your feeling better soon , a beard should be attempted at least once , Tony (who has a beard)

  9. A beard is a fine thing CK, I'm rarely without mine, although now days it's a neatly trimmed 'goatee' of which I am rather proud I must say :)
