
Sunday, January 17, 2016

The eyes have it

Well here are four chaps done in four different styles - from left to right-highlighted as directed by Sergeant Roddis -then blue eyes - then brown eyes - then black eyes. To be honest I think the black eyes have it myself

I was having a look through this rather excellent book the other day and it really is a feast for the eyes. There are some wonderful things in here. Though I should mention that the book was a gift from Johnny C.  

It really is a window onto a different world. 

Looking at these chaps here, Britain's seems to have favoured pink cheeks and big wide eyes. I'm not sure how well these work on my own figures, so I may go with a different approach.


  1. Ah! My very first book on toy soldiers back in '67. Over the years its been read and browsed through even more than Charge! or Featherstone. Harris was responsible for my small collection of Britain's being converted to "models"; of other soldiers. Won a Scou badge for one group of them.

    Anyway, Britains did small black dots and pink cheeks on darkish skin but the figures in that picture are repaints not off the self. I prefer a slash for eyebrows when there is room and a faint blush on the cheeks but your lads look fine with the black dot and no pink, more like Deetail which the PA figures resemble more than the old toys.

    A fine looking bunch all in all.

    1. I think I might try the pink despite insisting that I wouldn't. I think it's a matter of settling on a house style.

  2. Gosh I'd forgotten that book. It is indeed a great read.
    Black eyes have it I think too.

    1. It's just a nice book to sit and linger over. Just great stuff.

  3. Must admit I go with the old Britains black dot pink cheek system , Tony

    1. I'm going to give a shot. If it's good enough for Britains, it should be good enough for me.

  4. I was given the same book by an auntie when a child. Still have it and look through it regularly, the joy of toy soldiers. Which colour should / could be tried for the pink cheeks ??????? Lovely figures.

  5. I think the dots on your 4 miniatures look fine, and to be honest, I can't tell the difference between the colors.

  6. An interesting post on painting eyes. Can I humbly suggest one more experiment? Try using a darkish grey or charcoal grey. It's not quite as harsh as black but is clearly visible. It works for me. Whether it would work for you only you can say but for a couple of dots as it were I think it may be worth a try.

