
Friday, February 19, 2016

Popping smoke II

Having painted one set of two green smoke plumes, I've started on a second set of red smoke plumes.  The first lot were painted goblin green and then highlighted with pure yellow. However I'm not entirely sure what I can use to highlight this without turning it pink. 

These things will probably be used for objective markers and signalling in Black Ops games. 


  1. Could you wash them with something darker, like a blue or purple? Alternatively would orange work?

  2. Orange or yellow would work, I reckon. They'll add some nice colour to the table!

  3. You could try orange or yellow, but then it would probably look like fire. Or highlight with white, but sparingly, so it's still more red? Might help if you could find photos or other images as reference. I find reference pics help a lot when I'm stuck for color scheme ideas.

  4. Very good, one thought would be to add strong shadows and then highlight with the bright red again?

  5. I see Highlanders hiding in the background ! , Tony

  6. The colour guard seems to be coming along nicely in the background.

    For the smoke I would go the other way and shade it with a dark red/black mix wash leaving this red as the highlight.

  7. I would suggest, if I may add to the chorus of (hopefully wanted) advice, dry brush with some orange and yellow.

  8. I would suggest that most actual red smoke markers do come out highlighted in pink. This might be one occasion where the dreaded pink highlight is actually right.

  9. Dear Conrad, and the highlanders waiting very patiently in the background?
