
Monday, April 11, 2016

Better late than never

A rather fetching landrover

I have not been my own master of late, shackled to books and earning a crust, rather more than I would like at present. This coupled with a shoulder impingement has made me crankier than usual. Trip to the physio is in order I think.

However, the arrival of this rather fetching landrover from the Depressive Diplomatist provided a sharp reminder that the Joy & Forgetfulness "Eight years a blog giveaway" was shamefully behind schedule. The Landrover (and accompanying snazzy card) was my booty from Edwin's blog giveaway and should be joining by BAOR forces before too long.

As for my own giveaway, I popped all the names into a hat this afternoon and drew out, Sergeant Guinness!

Gentlemen, thank you all for taking part. If the good sergeant could leave a comment below with his address, I shall pop the tower in the post shortly.


  1. Sorry to hear that 'real life' is cutting in to the hobby time, certainly that very things make me cranky too! Many congratulations to Sergeant Guinness.

  2. Congratulations Sgt Guinness!

    I'm glad the Land Rover arrived safely and I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. It did and thank you. It might be a while before I get to it though.

  3. Commiserate with your lack of hobby time and shoulder pain but congratulations on scoring a nifty vehicle in Edwin's blog contest. A win should pick up the spirits!

  4. Conrad: EXCELLENT choice! Sgt. Guiness is a good friend of mine, and a GREAT fellow indeed -- and a generous and collegial wargamer if ever there was one. I don't see him having commented above, so just in case he hasn't stopped by to notice this post, I will take the liberty of nudging him to do so...

    Meanwhile, I sincerely sympathise with your struggle to balance work, home-life (aka: Mrs. Kinch), and hobby matters to a universally satisfying degree, and wish you the best with your shoulder pain. I hurt mine coming up on 4 Summers ago, playing tennis with my then 15 year-old son, then worsened it by solo driving a 4,000 mile round-trip to a wargame convention (more wear-&-tear on the shoulder) before ever having it looked at by a doctor -- none of which was at all smart on my part. When I finally had it looked at, it took a long time and lots of physical therapy to get it mostly back to normal. So I implore you: if you haven't yet, please go to the "physio" with dispatch!

  5. Conrad,
    Sgt. Guinness reporting for duty sir. I've been advised by my very good friend Mad Guru that I'm the lucky winner of your giveaway. Thank you sir. And thank you Mad a Guru for the heads up.

    I've not been able to surf as much as I'd like due to the same family, life, and work constants as the rest of us.

    I will email you my address. Thank you for the entertainment of your blog as well as your generosity sir.

